The Trade-Ins" is an episode of the American television anthology series
The Twilight ZoneThe Twilight Zone is an American anthology television series created by Rod Serling, which ran for five seasons on CBS from 1959 to 1964. The series consisted of unrelated episodes depicting paranormal, futuristic, dystopian, or simply disturbing events; each show typically featured a surprising...
An elderly couple, John and Marie Holt, realize they haven't much time, so they decide to visit a medical centre specializing in a new technology: body swapping. The centre representative, Mr. Vance, tells them that 98% of couples have been happy with the quality of the swap, but the company offers a return clause if they change their mind afterwards, as the swap procedure can be reversed. The couple decides to trade their aged bodies in for new, young ones, but to their dismay, the swap will cost $10,000 for both and they have only half that. The old man attempts to earn the rest of the money in a high-stakes poker game. The soft-hearted dealer, seeing the old man put all his money on one hand, secretly folds his winning hand to allow him to take his money back. Finally, the old man goes ahead and has himself changed, intending to use his young body to earn the money for his wife. In the end, they realize they can't wait the necessary time for the young Mr. Holt to earn the money for Mrs. Holt's procedure, and would rather be old together than for one of them to be young and the other old. He opts for the return clause. His "old" body restored, Mr. and Mrs. Holt depart towards an uncertain future- but their love for each other is "younger" than ever.
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