The Wizard of Rondo
The Wizard of Rondo is a children's fantasy novel written by Emily Rodda
Jennifer Rowe
Jennifer June Rowe is an Australian author. Her crime fiction for adults is published under her own name, while her children's fiction is published under the pseudonyms Emily Rodda and Mary-Anne Dickinson...

. It was first published in 2008 and is the second book in the Rondo series. It is the sequel to The Key to Rondo
The Key to Rondo
The Key to Rondo is the first book of the Rondo series written by Australian author Jennifer Rowe, under the pseudonym Emily Rodda.-Plot summary:...

and is followed by The Battle for Rondo.

The book's main characters are Leo and Mimi. They have a magical music box that can transport them to the world of Rondo, with the help of the key to Rondo, a medallion and necklace that contains the "hair" of the tip of the brush that painted the music box's beautiful sides as the world of Rondo's landscapes, and other than transporting one from the world and back to our own, it also gives the ability to the wearer to change everything they want to. But that power should not be misused.


Leo and Mimi have their roles to play in the world of Rondo. They need to visit Rondo occasionally to make sure the people of the world doesn't find out, that they're not from there. But they still have to deal with the evil Blue Queen. And suddenly a great danger raises: the cloud palace.

They go on a quest to help find a wizard named Bing with the help of Conker and his talking duck and friend.


  • Leo Zifkak: A sensible and reliable boy, not like his cousin Mimi. He is a Langlander, and the two of the "real main characters and protagonists".
  • Mimi Langlander: Leo's cousin, a Langlander, one of the two "real" main characters/protagonists, and an easily annoyed girl, who no one likes very much. But Leo and herself became "friends" in the first book. And they sure love each other.
  • Conker: An old man, Leo and Mimi's friend, and a reliable priceless companion. He is a friend of the wizard Hal (aka Henry Langlander) and stopped the Dark Times and ended the Blue Queen's reign by helping Hal in his old days, together with his talking duck Freda, and their companion, the last of the terlemaines Tye. Conker is a dot-catcher, that catches the strange pests of Rondo, dots.
  • Freda: A talking duck, and Conker's friend (probably his best), and his assistant at dot-catching. She likes to eat dots, and eat other stuff too. It can be dangerous to tease her, and she is strong. She has black masked eyes.
  • Wizard Bing: A wizard of Rondo, and the core and wizard that Leo and Mimi are on the quest with Conker and Freda to find.
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