There Goes the Neighborhood (TV series)
Voting table
The voting table below records whom each family voted to stay during its time in the neighborhood. The nominated families are not allowed to vote.Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Finale | |
Kings of the Neighborhood | Nelson | Mullennix | Upshaw | Upshaw | Upshaw | Johnston | Schindler | |
Nominated | Mullenix DeGirolamo |
Schindler Southey |
Schindler Bussiere |
Johnston Nelson |
Schindler Mullenix |
Schindler Upshaw |
Johnston | Mullennix | Schindler | Schindler | Nominated | Schindler | Schindler | Winners $250,000 |
Schindler | Mullennix | Nominated | Nominated | Johnston | Nominated | Nominated | Kings of Neighborhood | Runners-Up |
Upshaw | Mullennix | Schindler | Schindler | Johnston | Schindler | Nominated | Eliminated (Week 6) |
Mullennix | Nominated | Schindler | Schindler | Nelson | Nominated | Eliminated (Week 5) |
Nelson | Mullennix | Schindler | Schindler | Nominated | Eliminated (Week 4) |
Bussiere | Mullennix | Schindler | Nominated | Eliminated (Week 3) |
Southey | DeGirolamo | Nominated | Eliminated (Week 2) |
DeGirolamo | Nominated | Eliminated (Week 1) |
Eliminated | DeGirolamo 1 of 6 votes to stay |
Southey 0 of 5 votes to stay |
Bussiere 0 of 4 votes to stay |
Nelson 1 of 3 votes to stay |
Mullennix 0 of 2 votes to stay |
Upshaws chosen by Johnstons |
Schindler 3 of 24 votes (13%) to win |
Johnston 21 of 24 votes (87%) to win |
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