Theta Phi Sigma
Theta Phi Sigma is a Christian women's sorority to help develop strong confident leaders in the world.Christian Sorority, Inc. TPS upholds Christian standards and values while embracing the creative and artistic ideals of the modern woman.
The Shreveport, LA (Psalms Alpha) Chapter Officers are: Chapter President Stormy Gage-Watts, Vice President Nicole Durham, Administrative Assistant Warmeka Brown, Secretary Neishataka Dudley and Treasurer Paula Crosby.
New Orleans, LA (Proverbs Lambda) Chapter President Raynika Gougis
Anderson SC (Revelations Rho) Chapter President/South Atlantic Regional Director:Minister Besceglia Swaney
E-Line Co-Coordinator- Jada Sumter-Regional Executive Asst- Anisa Lucas
South East Regional Director/Birmingham, AL (Esther Eta)Chapter: Tameka Seay-Croom
Montgomery, AL (Genesis Nu) Chapter President Michelle Jones and Vice President Annette Walker, Secretary/Treasurer Martina Person, and Administrative Assistant Ashley Broaden
Union Springs, AL (Acts Lambda) Chapter President Monica Surles and Vice President Tiffany Thorton
Auburn University at Montgomery campus (AUM) (Philippians Chi) Chapter President Navia Price.
Psalms Chi: Columbia SC President-Crystal Smith, VP-Jada Sumter
Romans Chi: Tallahassee Fl- President Michelle Ferguson
Proverbs Alpha: Atlanta, GA- President Anisa Lucas, Regina Howard- Secretary
Psalms Nu: Lincoln, Omaha Nebraska-La’Shaundra Swift
Esther Sigma: East Texas, Dallas Fort Worth- President Keisha Milton
Romans Epsilon: Conway, Arkansas: Tameji Nelson
The Pink Society, Theta Phi Sigma Christian Sorority, Inc. was founded by Jessica Martin on September 23, 2009 in Montgomery, AL. The Pink Society gives young women a place of belonging and provides them with information on abstinence, safe sex, relationships, college entrance, etiquette, resume building, basic computer skills etc. T.P.S. is founded on biblical principles and morals. Pink is universal color to celebrate femininity. It is a mixture of white for restoring “purity” as importance and red for the “blood of Jesus” covering their sins. The symbol is an eagle. Their crest includes the symbols and importance of scholastic achievement, music and the arts, education, spiritual growth, and sisterly love (community service). The derivative of their Greek letters came from the acronym TPS-The Pink Society. They started the Kingdom Campaign 2010, which is a campaign to raise the level of awareness concerning kingdom "biblical" principles to assist today's youth in living a Christian lifestyle free from sexual promiscuity, alcohol, drugs, and many other stressors that they face in today's society. As of May of 2010, they have city chapters in Shreveport LA, New Orleans LA, and Anderson, SC. They have sisters all over the United States in Texas, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Georgia, and Mississippi just to name a few. Their sisterhood also spreads beyond the borders of the United States; they have a member in Eschenbach Germany and is currently building a chapter in Nigeria, Africa. They also desire to reach out to active duty military women and dependents that need a sisterly support system especially during deployment. As Theta Phi Sigma Christian Sorority, Inc. spreads the message of sisterly love, self-esteem, education,and Kingdom principles; they were able to gain the attention of the Mayor of Shreveport, LA, Cedric Glover. On January 22, 2010, the founder, Jessica Martin, was presented a proclamation from Mayor Cedric Glover declaring January 22nd "Jessica Martin Day" for the city of Shreveport to celebrate her contributions to women everywhere.COLONIES:
The Shreveport, LA (Psalms Alpha) Chapter Officers are: Chapter President Stormy Gage-Watts, Vice President Nicole Durham, Administrative Assistant Warmeka Brown, Secretary Neishataka Dudley and Treasurer Paula Crosby.
New Orleans, LA (Proverbs Lambda) Chapter President Raynika Gougis
Anderson SC (Revelations Rho) Chapter President/South Atlantic Regional Director:Minister Besceglia Swaney
E-Line Co-Coordinator- Jada Sumter-Regional Executive Asst- Anisa Lucas
South East Regional Director/Birmingham, AL (Esther Eta)Chapter: Tameka Seay-Croom
Montgomery, AL (Genesis Nu) Chapter President Michelle Jones and Vice President Annette Walker, Secretary/Treasurer Martina Person, and Administrative Assistant Ashley Broaden
Union Springs, AL (Acts Lambda) Chapter President Monica Surles and Vice President Tiffany Thorton
Auburn University at Montgomery campus (AUM) (Philippians Chi) Chapter President Navia Price.
Psalms Chi: Columbia SC President-Crystal Smith, VP-Jada Sumter
Romans Chi: Tallahassee Fl- President Michelle Ferguson
Proverbs Alpha: Atlanta, GA- President Anisa Lucas, Regina Howard- Secretary
Psalms Nu: Lincoln, Omaha Nebraska-La’Shaundra Swift
Esther Sigma: East Texas, Dallas Fort Worth- President Keisha Milton
Romans Epsilon: Conway, Arkansas: Tameji Nelson