Thierry Pécou
Thierry Pécou is a modern French composer.

The composer's own Ensemble Zellig was named after the eponymous hero of Woody Allen
Woody Allen
Woody Allen is an American screenwriter, director, actor, comedian, jazz musician, author, and playwright. Allen's films draw heavily on literature, sexuality, philosophy, psychology, Jewish identity, and the history of cinema...

's Zelig
Zelig is a 1983 American mockumentary film written and directed by Woody Allen, and starring Allen and Mia Farrow. Allen plays Zelig, a curiously nondescript enigma who is discovered for his remarkable ability to transform himself to resemble anyone he's near.The film was shot almost entirely in...



  • L'homme armé
    L'homme armé
    L'homme armé was a French secular song from the time of the Renaissance. It was the most popular tune used for musical settings of the Ordinary of the Mass: over 40 separate compositions entitled Missa L'homme armé survive from the period....

  • L'Oiseau innumérable - recording by Alexandre Tharaud
    Alexandre Tharaud
    -Biography:Born in Paris, Alexandre Tharaud discovered the music scene through his father, a director and singer of operettas, which were put on in theaters of Northern France, where his family spent many weekends...

     and the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, dir. Andrea Quinn, on Harmonia Mundi
    Harmonia Mundi
    Harmonia Mundi is an independent music record label founded in 1958 by Bernard Coutaz in Arles . The Latin phrase means "world harmony"....

  • Symphonie du Jaguar - Ensemble Zellig's recording on Harmonia Mundi
    Harmonia Mundi
    Harmonia Mundi is an independent music record label founded in 1958 by Bernard Coutaz in Arles . The Latin phrase means "world harmony"....

     was awarded the Diapason d’Or de l’Année 2010 in the contemporary category.
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