Thomas-Jacques Taschereau
Thomas-Jacques Taschereau (August 26, 1680 – September 25, 1749) was the patriarch
Originally a patriarch was a man who exercised autocratic authority as a pater familias over an extended family. The system of such rule of families by senior males is called patriarchy. This is a Greek word, a compound of πατριά , "lineage, descent", esp...

 of the illustrious Taschereau family in New France
New France
New France was the area colonized by France in North America during a period beginning with the exploration of the Saint Lawrence River by Jacques Cartier in 1534 and ending with the cession of New France to Spain and Great Britain in 1763...

 (Canada). It is believed that he may have come from some level of nobility in France and his family descended from a line of royal of municipal officials. He arrived in New France in 1726 as a private secretary to the Intendant of New France
Intendant of New France
New France was governed by three rulers: the governor, the bishop and the intendant, all appointed by the King, and sent from France. The intendant was responsible for finance, economic development, and the administration of justice . He also presided over the Sovereign Council of New France...

, Claude-Thomas Dupuy
Claude-Thomas Dupuy
Claude-Thomas Dupuy was from Paris, France, where he followed the family's path of upward mobility and prepared himself for a career in law. His good fortunes regarding his career were recognized in the appointment as Intendant of New France from 1726 to 1728 in New France...


In 1728 he married a young Canadian girl from the nobility, Marie-Claire, daughter of Joseph de Fleury de La Gorgendière. They returned briefly to France and then back to Canada in 1732. It was then that his most important contribution to the Taschereau family's future took place, mainly establishing their seigneury of Sainte-Marie-de-la-Nouvelle-Beauce
Sainte-Marie, Quebec
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. At his death, Taschereau's seigneury was well established.

His wife was able to raise and educate their remaining 8 children. The youngest, Gabriel-Elzéar Taschereau
Gabriel-Elzéar Taschereau
Gabriel-Elzéar Taschereau was the second in a line of distinguished French Canadians whose influence has spanned 3 centuries....

, carried on the name and became the second seigneur of Sainte-Marie. One of Gabriel-Elzéar's sisters, Marie-Anne-Louise Taschereau
Marie-Anne-Louise Taschereau
Marie-Anne-Louise Taschereau was a Canadian nun. As an Ursuline, she worked as a teacher, and served as a Mother Superior...

, joined the Ursuline
The Ursulines are a Roman Catholic religious order for women founded at Brescia, Italy, by Saint Angela de Merici in November 1535, primarily for the education of girls and the care of the sick and needy. Their patron saint is Saint Ursula.-History:St Angela de Merici spent 17 years leading a...

 order in Quebec and became superior of the convent.

External links

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