Thomas Bouquillon
Thomas Bouquillon was a Belgian Catholic theologian. At the time of his death he was professor of moral theology
Moral theology
Moral theology is a systematic theological treatment of Christian ethics. It is usually taught on Divinity faculties as a part of the basic curriculum.- External links :*...

 in the Catholic University of America.

He was one of the most eminent theologians of his time, a man of prodigious erudition in theology, history of theology, church history, canon law, and bibliography. Bouquillon was active and influential in the organization of the Catholic Universities of Lille and Washington. He supported the views of Archbishop John Ireland
John Ireland (archbishop)
John Ireland was the third bishop and first archbishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota . He became both a religious as well as civic leader in Saint Paul during the turn of the century...

 and Edward McGlynn
Edward McGlynn
Father Edward McGlynn , American Roman Catholic priest and social reformer, was born in New York City of Irish parents, Peter and Sarah McGlynn. His parents had immigrated in 1824, and his father became a contractor, acquiring a small fortune before dying in 1847, leaving a widow and ten children...

. He warned against appeals to Rome in moral matters when that substituted for grappling with the issues.


The second son among five children in a family of small landholders long established at Warneton near Ypres
Ypres is a Belgian municipality located in the Flemish province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Ypres and the villages of Boezinge, Brielen, Dikkebus, Elverdinge, Hollebeke, Sint-Jan, Vlamertinge, Voormezele, Zillebeke, and Zuidschote...

, he received his early education in local schools and in the College of St. Louis at Menin
Menen is a municipality located in the Belgian province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Menen proper and the towns of Lauwe and Rekkem. The city is situated on the French/Belgian border. On January 1, 2006, Menen had a total population of 32,413...

. His course in philosophy was made at Roeselare
Roeselare is a Belgian city and municipality in the Flemish province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Roeselare proper and the towns of Beveren, Oekene and Rumbeke....

; in theology, at the seminary of Bruges
Bruges is the capital and largest city of the province of West Flanders in the Flemish Region of Belgium. It is located in the northwest of the country....


Having entered the Georgian University in Rome, in 1863, he was ordained priest in 1865 and made doctor of theology in 1867. After ten years in the Bruges seminary (1867-77) and eight years in the Catholic University of Lille, France, as professor of moral theology, Bouquillon retired to the Benedictine monastery at Maredsous
Maredsous may refer to:*Maredsous *Maredsous Abbey, a Benedictine monastery at Denée near Namur in Belgium*Maredsous beer, an abbey beer brewed by Duvel Moortgat Brewery in Belgium...

 and devoted his energies to the preparation of the second edition of his treatise on fundamental moral theology.

He accepted the chair of moral theology in the Catholic University at Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia and commonly referred to as Washington, "the District", or simply D.C., is the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, the United States Congress approved the creation of a permanent national capital as permitted by the U.S. Constitution....

 in 1889, where he remained until his death in 1902.


Though never in robust health, he was a tireless student. When he entered the field of moral theology he found the science enjoying no prestige, dwindled to mere compilations of conclusions to the neglect of principles. It was out of touch, consequently, with the closely related dogmatic and advancing social sciences, and the methods employed in teaching it were far from perfect. In his whole career as professor and author he aimed to rescue moral theology from that condition and to restore to it its proper method and dignity.

He emphasized strongly the historical and sociological aspects of principles and problems in the science. Possibly few theologians of his day were more widely consulted in Europe and America than Bouquillon. He enjoyed and retained the intimate confidence of Pope Leo XIII
Pope Leo XIII
Pope Leo XIII , born Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci to an Italian comital family, was the 256th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, reigning from 1878 to 1903...

and of many eminent churchmen, and showed throughout his life devotion to the ideals, teaching, and administration of the Church. His grasp of current thought developed in him an open-mindedness and a sympathy with real progress.

In 1891 he was induced to publish a pamphlet on education setting forth the abstract principles involved. His views met with considerable opposition. In fact his works on education caused substantial controversy, since he had supported the State's claims in the field. In all his published replies to critics he maintained his original positions without any modification whatever and ascribed the opposition to misunderstanding of his point of view and of his statement of principles.

He published:
  • "Theologia Moralis Fundamentalis" (3d ed., Bruges, 1903);
  • "De Virtutibus Theologicis" (2d ed. Bruges, 1890);
  • "De Virtute Religionis" (2 vols., Bruges, 1880);
  • "Education" (Baltimore, 1892);
  • "Education, a Rejoinder to Critics" (Baltimore, 1892);
  • "Education, a Rejoinder to the 'Civilatà Cattolica'" (Baltimore, 1892); the last three of these were translated into French.

He published many critical studies in the "Revue des sciences ecclésiastiques", of which he was at one time editor, in the "Nouvelle revue théologique", the "Revue Bénédictine", "The American Catholic Quarterly", and "The Catholic University Bulletin". He edited, with notes and comments,
  • Stapleton, "De Magnitudine Ecclesiæ Romanæ" (Bruges, 1881);
  • 'Leonis XIII Allocutiones, Epistolæ aliaque acta" (2 vols., Bruges, 1887);
  • Platelii, "Synopsis cursus Theologiæ" (Bruges);
  • "Catechismus ex decreto Concilii Tridentini" (Tournai, 1890);
  • "Dies Sacerdotalis" of Dirckinck (Tournai, 1888);
  • Louis de Grenade, "L'Excellence de la très sainte Eucharistic" (Lille);
  • Coret, "L'Année sainte" (1676) (Bruges, 1889).

External links

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