Thorold Coade
Thorold Francis Coade was a British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 school teacher and headmaster.

Thorold Coade was headmaster at Bryanston School
Bryanston School
Bryanston School is a co-educational independent school for both day and boarding pupils in Blandford, north Dorset, England, near the village of Bryanston. It was founded in 1928...

 in Dorset
Dorset , is a county in South West England on the English Channel coast. The county town is Dorchester which is situated in the south. The Hampshire towns of Bournemouth and Christchurch joined the county with the reorganisation of local government in 1974...

 for much of his career (1932–1959), succeeding J. G. Jeffreys
J. G. Jeffreys
J. G. Jeffreys was an Australian schoolteacher who moved to England and founded Bryanston School in Dorset.Jeffreys first taught in Australia. He came to England in 1921 to teach chemistry at Westminster School in London. The headmaster of the school encouraged him to take a second degree at...

. He believed in self-discipline and developed this ethos at the school. He developed "pioneering" at the school to augment sports, consisting of activities such as forestry in the extensive grounds of the school. Coade was keen on drama and the school's theatre is named the Coade Hall in his memory.


  • Coade, Thorold F., The Burning Bow. London: Allen & Unwin
    Allen & Unwin
    Allen & Unwin, formerly a major British publishing house, is now an independent book publisher and distributor based in Australia. The Australian directors have been the sole owners of the Allen & Unwin name since effecting a management buy out at the time the UK parent company, Unwin Hyman, was...

    (1966). ISBN 0-04-370001-2.
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