Threadneedle Figurative Prize
The Threadneedle Prize is an annual art prize, which showcases the best in contemporary painting
Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface . The application of the medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is...

 and sculpture
Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard materials—typically stone such as marble—or metal, glass, or wood. Softer materials can also be used, such as clay, textiles, plastics, polymers and softer metals...

. It is one of the largest art prizes in the UK and was launched by the Mall Galleries in 2008. The prize is open to any artist, eighteen or over, who is living or working in the UK.

The Prizes

There are eight prizes totalling £41,000. The two major prizes available are, The Threadneedle Prize and a Visitor’ Choice Prize. For the Threadneedle Prize, a panel of selectors shortlist seven works and then choose the winner of the £25,000 prize. The Visitors’ Choice Prize, worth £10,000, was introduced in 2010 and is voted for by the visitors of the exhibition. Each of the six runners up for The Threadneedle Prize receives £1,000.

The Selectors

  • Xavier Bray, Assistant Curator, National Gallery
  • David Rayson, Professor of Painting, Royal College of Art
  • Michael Sandle
    Michael Sandle
    Michael Sandle RA is a British sculptor and artist, "widely recognised as one of the finest sculptors in the world". His works include several public sculptures, many relating to themes of war, death or destruction...

     RA, Fellow of Royal British Society of Sculptors

  • Michael Leonard
  • Cathy Lomax
    Cathy Lomax
    Cathy Lomax is a London artist, curator and director of the Transition Gallery.-Life and career:Cathy Lomax is an artist mainly known for her figurative paintings. She has a BA Fine Art from London Guildhall University , and an MA from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design...

  • Jock McFadyen
    Jock McFadyen
    -Biography:McFadyen was born 18 September 1950 in Paisley, Scotland. As a teenager he attended Saturday morning classes at Glasgow School of Art. McFadyen moved to England in 1966 at the age of fifteen and was educated at Chelsea School of Art, gaining his BA in 1976 and MA in 1977. He taught one...

  • Nina Murdoch
  • Daphne Todd
    Daphne Todd
    Daphne Todd OBE is an English artist who was the first female President of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters from 1994–2000, and who won the BP Portrait Award 2010 with a painting of her 100-year-old mother's corpse....

Guest Selector
  • Desmond Shawe-Taylor
    Desmond Shawe-Taylor
    Desmond Philip Shawe-Taylor LVO became Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures in 2005. He succeeded Christopher Lloyd on Lloyd's retirement.Shawe-Taylor is the son of Brian Newton Shawe-Taylor and Jocelyn Cecilia Shawe-Taylor...

  • Richard Cork
    Richard Cork
    Dr Richard Cork is a British art historian, editor, critic, broadcaster and exhibition curator. He has been an art critic for the Evening Standard, The Listener, The Times and the New Statesman. Cork was also editor for Studio International. He is a past Turner Prize judge.-Life and work:Richard...

    , art critic at the New Statesman, broadcaster and prize-winning author
  • Angela Flowers, Chairman of Angela Flowers plc
  • William Packer, painter, author and art critic at the Financial Times
  • Hew Locke
    Hew Locke
    Hew Donald Joseph Locke is a sculptor and contemporary British visual artist based in London.-Background:...

    , mixed-media sculptor and installation artist
  • Brian Sewell
    Brian Sewell
    Brian Sewell is an English art critic and media personality. He writes for the London Evening Standard and is noted for artistic conservatism and his acerbic view of the Turner Prize and conceptual art...

    , art critic at the Evening Standard

External links

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