Through Alien Eyes
Through Alien Eyes is a science fiction novel by Amy Thomson
Amy Thomson
Amy Thomson is an American science fiction author. In 1994 she won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Most of her work is considered hard science fiction and contains feminist and environmental themes.- Novels :* Virtual Girl...

 published in 1999 by Ace Books
Ace Books
Ace Books is the oldest active specialty publisher of science fiction and fantasy books. The company was founded in New York City in 1952 by Aaron A. Wyn, and began as a genre publisher of mysteries and westerns...

, the sequel to The Color of Distance
The Color of Distance
The Color of Distance is a hard science fiction novel by Amy Thomson published in 1995 by Ace Books. In was nominated for a Philip K. Dick Award in the category Best Paperback Original Novel...

. The story follows two aliens who return to Earth with the human protagonist from The Color of Distance.
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