Thunder Perfect Mind (Nurse With Wound album)
For the companion album by Current 93
Current 93
Current 93 is an eclectic British experimental music group, working since the early 1980s in folk-based musical forms. The band was founded in 1982 by David Tibet .-Background:Tibet has been the only constant in the group, though Steven Stapleton has appeared on...

, see Thunder Perfect Mind (Current 93 album).

Thunder Perfect Mind is an album by the English
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

 group Nurse With Wound
Nurse with Wound
Nurse with Wound is the main recording name for British musician Steven Stapleton. Nurse with Wound was originally a band, formed in 1978 by Stapleton, John Fothergill and Heman Pathak...

. It is a "sister" album to Current 93
Current 93
Current 93 is an eclectic British experimental music group, working since the early 1980s in folk-based musical forms. The band was founded in 1982 by David Tibet .-Background:Tibet has been the only constant in the group, though Steven Stapleton has appeared on...

's album Thunder Perfect Mind, released around the same time; some basic sounds and lyrics are shared but the overall sound of each record is very different. In David Keenan
David Keenan
David Keenan is a Scottish author, critic and musician. He is the author of England's Hidden Reverse, a biography of Coil, Current 93 and Nurse With Wound, a regular contributor to The Wire since 1995, and proprietor of Volcanic Tongue, a shop, distributor, record label and mailorder business that...

's England's Hidden Reverse, Stapleton explains that he had a dream in which he was handing David Tibet
David Tibet
David Tibet is a British poet and artist who founded the music group Current 93, of which he is the only full-time member. He had earlier collaborated with Psychic TV and 23 Skidoo...

 of Current 93 a copy of a new NWW album and that the record was called Thunder Perfect Mind, the title already chosen by Tibet for his imminent new release. Upon hearing of this dream, Tibet immediately agreed to share the title.

The album revolves around two lengthy tracks; "Cold" is a driving industrial piece full of relentlessly chaotic machinery noises, while "Colder Still" is a sweeping dark ambient
Dark ambient
Dark ambient is a subgenre of ambient music that features foreboding, ominous, or discordant overtones. Although it had its roots in the 1970s, Dark ambient emerged in the 1980s and 1990s with the introduction of newer, smaller, and more affordable Effects units, synthesizer and sampling technology...

 piece, ending with an extended version of "Thunder Perfect Mind II" from Current 93's Thunder Perfect Mind. After a brief silence, the release concludes with a short answerphone message left by John Balance
John Balance
John Balance , born in Mansfield, England, was the founder of the experimental music group Coil, along with his partner Peter Christopherson...

. Excerpts and reworkings of "Cold" have appeared in various forms on several other Nurse With Wound releases, most notably the single Steel Dream March Of The Metal Men, the a-side of which was entirely derived from the track. Although issued by Stapleton on his own imprint via World Serpent, the label is listed as Untied Diaries rather than the usual United Dairies. This was the first NWW album to feature Colin Potter, who has collaborated with Stapleton on almost all subsequent NWW releases.

The album was finally released on vinyl on the Streamline label, distributed through Drag City
Drag City (record label)
Drag City is a Chicago-based independent record label. It was established with a Royal Trux release in 1990 in Chicago, Illinois by Dan Koretzky and Dan Osborn.Drag City specializes in experimental indie rock acts...

 in 2002, with "Colder Still" being divided over two sides of vinyl. A remix of "Cold" was added to both the re-issued vinyl and a remastered CD on United Dairies.

An edit of "Cold" was featured on the compilation Livin' Fear of James Last. Instead of featuring the whole 20-minute version, it was cut to 12 minutes and 25 seconds.


  • Steven Stapleton
    Steven Stapleton
    Steven Peter Stapleton is a British musician and the only constant member of experimental improv outfit Nurse with Wound...

  • David Michael Tibet
    David Tibet
    David Tibet is a British poet and artist who founded the music group Current 93, of which he is the only full-time member. He had earlier collaborated with Psychic TV and 23 Skidoo...

  • Colin Potter
  • Chris Wallis
  • Rose McDowall
    Rose McDowall
    Rose McDowall is a Scottish musician, most notably as a vocalist in the pop band Strawberry Switchblade.-History:...

  • Anita Plank
  • Alan Trench
  • John Balance
  • Joolie Wood
  • Clive Graham
    Morphogenesis , is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape...

  • Konori Suzuki
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