Thunder Point is a novel in the Sean Dillon series by Jack Higgins
Jack Higgins
Jack Higgins is the principal pseudonym of UK novelist Harry Patterson. Patterson is the author of more than 60 novels. As Higgins, most have been thrillers of various types and, since his breakthrough novel The Eagle Has Landed in 1975, nearly all have been bestsellers...

, published in 1993.

"1945. The day before Hitler commits suicide, he arranges for Nazi leader Martin Bormann
Martin Bormann
Martin Ludwig Bormann was a prominent Nazi official. He became head of the Party Chancellery and private secretary to Adolf Hitler...

 to flee to South America in a German U-boat."

"1992. Terrorist Sean Dillon is saved from a Yugoslav firing squad - if he agrees to help the British government retrieve the long-lost documents of Martin Bormann. The wreck of Bormann's U-boat has been discovered in the Caribbean, along with a secret list of Nazi sympathizers. The names include high-level citizens from the U.S. and Great Britain - and may implicate the Duke of Windsor himself. The evidence lies in a watertight briefcase on the bottom of the sea. And the desperate search to find it will send shock-waves across the world..."
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