as one of the 20 best young British writers.
Fischer's parents were Hungarian basketball players, who fled Hungary
in 1956. The bloody 1956 revolution
, and his father's background, informed Fischer's debut novel
Under the Frog
, a Rabelaisian
yarn about a Hungarian basketball player surviving Communism.
Opening the fridge door, I found a rat eating the cheese. My dealings with rodents, particularly those tagged verminous, have been few, but generally the pattern has been one of man, the boss, the caretaker of creation, the namer, appearing and the lower orders hitting the road.
Best of things symbolised by Jocelyne's barbell: "It's a symbol of the need for symbols." "How life shrapnels us." "Assistant bank manageress on the outside, primitive on the inside." "Of whatever I feel like." "That you can do stupid things at any point in your life."
You've got to try everything once, except those things you don't like, or that involve a lot of effort and getting up early.
The impossible lives next door to the possible; people ring its door bell by accident all the time.