Ticket to Work
The American Social Security Administration
Social Security Administration
The United States Social Security Administration is an independent agency of the United States federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits...

’s Ticket to Work (TTW) program is part of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. This voluntary program is designed to help people between ages 18 and 64 who receive Social Security Disability Insurance
Social Security Disability Insurance
Social Security Disability Insurance is a payroll tax-funded, federal insurance program of the United States government. It is managed by the Social Security Administration and is designed to provide income supplements to people who are physically restricted in their ability to be employed...

 (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income
Supplemental Security Income
Supplemental Security Income is a United States government program that provides stipends to low-income people who are either aged , blind, or disabled. Although administered by the Social Security Administration, SSI is funded from the U.S. Treasury general funds, not the Social Security trust fund...

 (SSI) return to work, enter a new line of work, or enter the workforce for the first time. TTW connects these beneficiaries with service providers known as Employment Networks (EN) or with State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies.