Time, the Comedian
Time, the Comedian is a 1925
1925 in film
-Events:*November 5: The Big Parade holds its Grand Premier*December 30: premier of Ben-Hur the most expensive silent film ever made costing 4-6 million dollars -Top grossing films :...

A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects...

 directed by Robert Z. Leonard
Robert Z. Leonard
Robert Zigler Leonard was an American film director, actor, producer and screenwriter.He was born in Chicago, Illinois...

. The film stars Mae Busch
Mae Busch
Mae Busch was an Australian film actress who worked in both silent and sound films in early Hollywood. In the latter part of her career, she appeared in many Laurel and Hardy comedies, where she frequently played Hardy's shrewish wife.-Early life and career:Born in Melbourne, Australia, Busch was...

 and Lew Cody
Lew Cody
Lew Cody, birth name Louis Joseph Côté was an American actor whose career spanned the silent film and early sound film age....

. The film was a hit.


Singer Nora (Mae Busch) left her husband for new flame Larry (Lew Cody); her husband's suicide cools the affair, and the pair meets again when, years later, Larry meets and falls in love with Nora's daughter.


  • Mae Busch
    Mae Busch
    Mae Busch was an Australian film actress who worked in both silent and sound films in early Hollywood. In the latter part of her career, she appeared in many Laurel and Hardy comedies, where she frequently played Hardy's shrewish wife.-Early life and career:Born in Melbourne, Australia, Busch was...

     - Nora Dakon
  • Lew Cody
    Lew Cody
    Lew Cody, birth name Louis Joseph Côté was an American actor whose career spanned the silent film and early sound film age....

     - Larry Brundage
  • Gertrude Olmstead
    Gertrude Olmstead
    Gertrude Olmstead was an American actress of the silent era. She appeared in 56 films between 1920 and 1929.-Career:...

     - Ruth Dakon
  • Rae Ethelyn - Ruth Dakon, as a child
  • Roy Stewart - Michael Lawler
  • Paulette Duval
    Paulette Duval
    Paulette Duval was a French dancer and actress of the silent film era and early sound motion pictures. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1900 and raised in France. She was considered one of the most beautiful women in Paris in the early twentieth century...

     - Mrs. St. Germaine
  • Creighton Hale
    Creighton Hale
    Creighton Hale was an Irish-born American movie actor who worked in the silent film era.-Career:While starring in Charles Frohman's Broadway production of Indian Summer, Hale was spotted by a representative of the Pathe Film Company...

    - Tom Cautley
  • Nellie Parker Spaulding - Aunt Abbey
  • Robert Ober - Anthony Dakon
  • David Mir - Count de Brissac
  • Templar Saxe - Prince Strotoff
  • Mildred Vincent - Swedish Maid
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