Torah Day School of Houston
Torah Day School of Houston is a Jewish Day School
Jewish day school
A Jewish day school is a modern Jewish educational institution that is designed to provide Jewish children with both a Jewish and a secular education in one school on a full time basis, hence its name of "day school" meaning a school that the students attend for an entire day and not on a part time...

 in Houston established in 1977 by the Texas Regional Headquarters of the Chabad Lubavitch. It offers a Jewish education to grades K-8 in addition to its Early Childhood Center for children ages eighteen months through four years old.


Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff
Shimon Lazaroff
Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff is the Texas Regional Director for Texas Friends of Chabad Lubavitch, Inc. and member of the board and executive committee of Agudas Chasidei Chabad...

 opened the school along with parents in an attempt to provide quality Jewish and general studies education for the Houston Jewish Community.

For over thirty years its students have received a traditional Jewish education, comprehensive in scope, and a simlutaneous general studies program.

The dual curriculum eliminates the need for after school religious classes as it provides daily Judaic learning experiences for pre-school through eighth grade students.

Accreditation & Affiliations

Administrative Staff

  • Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff
    Shimon Lazaroff
    Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff is the Texas Regional Director for Texas Friends of Chabad Lubavitch, Inc. and member of the board and executive committee of Agudas Chasidei Chabad...

    - Head of School
  • Mrs. Chiena Lazaroff - Director
  • Nancy Epstein - Principal
  • Rabbi Yaacov Vidal - Middle School Judaic Teacher
  • Mrs. Chanie Lazaroff - Preschool Curriculum

External links

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