Tot Nut van het Algemeen
Tot Nut van het Algemeen (trans. 'For the good of all'), commonly known as Tot Nut, was a Dutch-medium school in Cape Town
Cape Town
Cape Town is the second-most populous city in South Africa, and the provincial capital and primate city of the Western Cape. As the seat of the National Parliament, it is also the legislative capital of the country. It forms part of the City of Cape Town metropolitan municipality...

 from 1804 to 1870. The school catered for all nationalities and played an important role in educating the Dutch-speaking children of the Cape Colony
Cape Colony
The Cape Colony, part of modern South Africa, was established by the Dutch East India Company in 1652, with the founding of Cape Town. It was subsequently occupied by the British in 1795 when the Netherlands were occupied by revolutionary France, so that the French revolutionaries could not take...

. Its curriculum included modern and ancient languages, literature, mathematics drawing and vocal music. The school also maintained a preparatory section for infants. Staff were drawn from scholars, divines of different denominations and eminent professionals.

The precise location of the school has been a matter of some uncertainty.
A recent study, however, has identified its original location as being in Strand Street, on the site of the present Cape Sun Hotel. In 1833 the school moved to a new building in Queen Victoria Street, a site which is today occupied by the annexe to the Cape High Court. Schröder
William Howard Schröder
William Howard Schröder 'Willie' , was a South African artist, cartoonist and publisher. Willie was the eldest in a family of 4 sons and 6 daughters. Never a robust child, he preferred the company of a book or drawing materials to that of his peers...

's memento states quite categorically that it was in New Street. The school remained on this site until its closure in 1870.


  • Jan Hendrik Hofmeyr (Onze Jan)
  • Sir John Gilbert Kotzé
    John Gilbert Kotzé
    Sir John Gilbert Kotzé was an eminent South African jurist.Born in Cape Town, educated there at Tot Nut van het Algemeen and the South African College. Further legal training and qualifications were obtained in Britain as a student at the Hon...

     - Chief Justice of the High Court of the Transvaal 1881-1898, Attorney-General of Southern Rhodesia
    Southern Rhodesia
    Southern Rhodesia was the name of the British colony situated north of the Limpopo River and the Union of South Africa. From its independence in 1965 until its extinction in 1980, it was known as Rhodesia...

     in 1900, appointed judge of the Supreme Court of the Cape 1913, becoming Judge-President in 1920. Judge of Appeal from 1922, retiring in 1927.
  • William Howard Schröder
    William Howard Schröder
    William Howard Schröder 'Willie' , was a South African artist, cartoonist and publisher. Willie was the eldest in a family of 4 sons and 6 daughters. Never a robust child, he preferred the company of a book or drawing materials to that of his peers...

    (1851-1892), cartoonist, caricaturist and publisher of the humorous weekly, 'The Knobkerrie'
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