There are several places with this name. They are all located in Maritime Canada. The name is thought to be derived from the Míkmaq term akatiek 'place', which is pronounced "agadiek".

New Brunswick

Nova Scotia
  • Tracadie, Nova Scotia
    Tracadie, Nova Scotia
    Tracadie is a small community in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, located in Antigonish County. Tracadie has close links with nearby Upper Big Tracadie. Tracadie was settled by Black loyalists in the early 18th century.-References:**...

    • Upper Big Tracadie, Nova Scotia
      Upper Big Tracadie, Nova Scotia
      Upper Big Tracadie is a small community in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, located in Antigonish County. It is a rural, predominantly African Canadian community. The community is served by a community center and church, Tracadie United Baptist Church...

  • Little Tracadie River
  • Tracadie River

Prince Edward Island
  • Tracadie, Prince Edward Island
    Tracadie, Prince Edward Island
    Tracadie is a Canadian rural community in Queens County, Prince Edward Island.It is located southwest of Mount Stewart.The name Tracadie, which is of Mi'kmaq origin, means "ideal camping location"....

  • Grand Tracadie
  • Tracadie-Fort Augustus Prince Edward Island electoral district
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