Traci Takes Tokyo
Traci Takes Tokyo is a pornographic movie released in 1986 which starred an underaged Traci Lords
Traci Lords
Traci Lords , also known as Traci Elizabeth Lords and Tracy Lords, is an American film actress, producer, film director, writer and singer...

 who also served as co-producer. It was the first project from Lords' own Traci Lords Company and filmed in Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...

, featuring renowned pink film and AV director Tadashi Yoyogi
Tadashi Yoyogi
is a Japanese director of pink film and adult videos . He is known as the "Father of Japanese Adult Video" and has been credited with establishing the model in his early work for many of adult videos produced since.-Life and career:...

 as co-director. The scenes include Lords and a mainly Japanese cast, including Kyōko Aizome
Kyoko Aizome
is a Japanese erotic actress, singer, AV director, and writer who has been called, "the first hard-core porn actress in Japan."-Early life:Kyōko Aizome was born on February 9, 1958 in Noda Chiba Prefecture. Aizome grew up in a troubled household. Her father was a police officer who beat his wife,...

, who has been called, "the first hard-core
Hardcore pornography
Hardcore pornography is a form of pornography that features explicit sexual acts. The term was coined in the second half of the 20th century to distinguish it from softcore pornography. It usually takes the form of photographs, often displayed in magazines or on the Internet, or films. It can also...

 porn actress in Japan." with her 1981 film Hakujitsumu
Daydream (1981 film)
is a Japanese film. A remake by director Tetsuji Takechi of his ground-breaking 1964 Pink film of the same title, this film is considered the first hardcore theatrical release in Japan.-Background:...

by Tetsuji Takechi
Tetsuji Takechi
was a Japanese theatrical and film director, critic and author. First coming to prominence for his theatrical criticism, in the 1940s and 1950s he produced influential and popular experimental kabuki plays. Beginning in the mid-1950s, he continued his innovative theatrical work in noh, kyōgen and...

. Because Traci Lords was 17 years old when the film was made, the film is currently illegal in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

, although it is legally available in many other jurisdictions.


Traci Lords arrives at Tokyo to explore Japanese eroticism. She is guided by the co-director of the film. She is first introduced to an allegedly virgin young Japanese man named Toshi Tokeshi with whom she has sex. Then, Kyōko Aizome (credited as "Kyōko Izoma") is presented. During the chat with Lords, Aizome asks her questions that express her admiration. A lesbian scene between the two (re-used in the release Beverly Hills Copulator the same year) follows. Lords is introduced to two Japanese girls, two Japanese men, a German man. Lords has sex with Akira Tanaka in the bathroom, while others have sex in the living room. Sex scenes with and without Lords follow. At the end, Lords is asked which one of the men she liked most and she gives the name of Tokeshi "for his innocence". Toshi is called in and the film ends with the two kissing in a hot tub.

Scene Breakdown

Scene 1 Traci Lords, Toshi Tokeshi (body double
Body double
A body double is a general term for someone who substitutes for the credited actor of a character in any recorded visual medium, in shots where the character's body is shown but the face is either not visible or shown indistinctly, or in shots where the image of the credited actor's face is joined,...

d by Don Fernando
Don Fernando
Don Fernando is a director and actor of pornographic films. He has been in the pornography business since 1977 and has won the Best Supporting Actor award twice during the Festival de Cine Erotica-Barcelona Fernando has won the award for Best Actor at the 2006 EXPOSEX Madrid Awards Gala, and was...

Scene 2 Kyoko Izoma, Traci Lords
Scene 3 Mariko Matuzaki, Midori Egawa, Stephen Welmhiser, Ken
Scene 4 Traci Lords, Akira Tanaka
Scene 5 Traci Lords, Stephen Welmhiser (body doubled by Don Fernando)
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