Trad is generally an abbreviation of the word "Traditional". Its meaning varies with context, but the following have been observed:
  • In music, trad may refer to:
    • Traditional music
      Traditional music
      Traditional music is the term increasingly used for folk music that is not contemporary folk music. More on this is at the terminology section of the World music article...

    • Trad jazz
      Trad jazz
      Trad jazz - short for "traditional jazz" - refers to the Dixieland and Ragtime jazz styles of the early 20th century in contrast to any more modern style....

      , also known as "Dixieland"
    • A drum stick holding technique known as traditional grip
      Traditional grip
      Traditional grip is a technique used to hold drum sticks while playing percussion instruments. Unlike matched grip, each hand holds the stick differently. Commonly, the right hand uses an overhand grip and the left hand uses an underhand grip...

    • Trad., used in music sheets and record labels to indicate music transmitted by word of mouth or from unknown composers, see Folk music
      Folk music
      Folk music is an English term encompassing both traditional folk music and contemporary folk music. The term originated in the 19th century. Traditional folk music has been defined in several ways: as music transmitted by mouth, as music of the lower classes, and as music with unknown composers....

  • A slang term for a Traditionalist Catholic
    Traditionalist Catholic
    Traditionalist Catholics are Roman Catholics who believe that there should be a restoration of many or all of the liturgical forms, public and private devotions and presentations of Catholic teachings which prevailed in the Catholic Church before the Second Vatican Council...

  • Traditional climbing
    Traditional climbing
    Traditional climbing, or trad climbing, is a style of rock climbing in which a climber or group of climbers places all gear required to protect against falls , and removes it when a passage is complete...

  • A Traditional skinhead
    Trojan skinhead
    Trojan skinheads are individuals who identify with the original British skinhead subculture of the late 1960s, when ska, rocksteady, reggae and soul music were popular, and there was a heavy emphasis on mod-influenced clothing styles...

  • A member of the Macalester Traditions
  • A men's clothing style more traditionally known as Ivy League
    Ivy League (clothes)
    For other uses of the term Ivy League see Ivy League Ivy League is a style of men's dress, popular in the late 1950s, and said to have originated on college campuses. The clothing stores J...

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