Trinity College Lodge
Trinity College Lodge No. 1765
Trinity College Lodge No. 1765 was founded by seven members of the Trinity College of Music
in general and by The Rev'd. Henry George Bonavia Hunt in particular.
The lodge was founded at 4.00pm on Wednesday 25 September 1878 at the Trinity College of Music, which at that time had its home in Weymouth Street in London.
The consecration document describes what happened in some detail. Much of the consecration consisted of music. Here is a reprint of part of the report that is contained in the publication "The Freemason" of 5 October 1878:
LODGE, No. 1765.
The consecration of Trinity College Lodge, formed in connection with the national musical institution in Wcymouth Street, known as Trinity College of Music, took place on Wednesday 25th ult. The chief portion of the ceremony was very ably performed by W. Bro. Lt..Col. Shadwell H. Clerke, S.G.D.; assisted by W. Bro. Captain N. G. Philips, P.G.D. (as Senior Warden); R.W. Bro. Sandeman, Past District Grand Master, Bengal (as junior Warden); V.W. Bro. Rev. C. W. Arnold, Past Grand Chaplain.; and R.W. Bro.W. H. Giddy, District Grand Master, Griqualand (as Director of Ceremonies); The petition and the warrant for the new lodge having been read and the brethren present having signified their approval of the officers named therein, the F.C.C. delivered a short but eloquent oration on the nature and principles of Freemasonry. This was followcd by the anthem, “Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is, brethren, to dwell together in unity,” the music being by Bro. H. Bonavia-Hunt, Bmus, one of the founders of the college. Later on, the Sanctus, composed by Professor E. M. Lott was sung; and then the lodge board was uncovered, the Masters and Wardens pro tem carrying the elements of ceremonial consecration. Tho lodge having been dedicated in due and solemn form, the anthem “ for the Children Israel,” music by Bro. I. J. Stark, B. Mus., was given, the solo parts bring finely rendered by Bro. Stcdman. The further formalities having been duly discharged, a lodge was constituted. The anthem, “I have surely built thee an house,” was sung to the setting of Bro. Boyce and the Benediction having been pronounced, a board of Past Masters was formed for the installation of Bro. Edwin Matthew, as first W.M.
A number of the men of Trinity were then re-admitted to the lodge room after due and ancient form in full ceremony and full regalia.
The banquet took place at the Cafe Royal, Regent. Street, where, under the presidency of the newly-installed W.M., a very highly entertaining musical evening followed after a nine-course dinner, the formalities and entertainments ending in the early hours of the morning.
Trinity College Lodge No. 1765 was founded by seven members of the Trinity College of Music
Trinity College of Music
Trinity College of Music is one of the London music conservatories, based in Greenwich. It is part of Trinity Laban.The conservatoire is inheritor of elegant riverside buildings of the former Greenwich Hospital, designed in part by Sir Christopher Wren...
in general and by The Rev'd. Henry George Bonavia Hunt in particular.
The lodge was founded at 4.00pm on Wednesday 25 September 1878 at the Trinity College of Music, which at that time had its home in Weymouth Street in London.
The consecration document describes what happened in some detail. Much of the consecration consisted of music. Here is a reprint of part of the report that is contained in the publication "The Freemason" of 5 October 1878:
LODGE, No. 1765.
The consecration of Trinity College Lodge, formed in connection with the national musical institution in Wcymouth Street, known as Trinity College of Music, took place on Wednesday 25th ult. The chief portion of the ceremony was very ably performed by W. Bro. Lt..Col. Shadwell H. Clerke, S.G.D.; assisted by W. Bro. Captain N. G. Philips, P.G.D. (as Senior Warden); R.W. Bro. Sandeman, Past District Grand Master, Bengal (as junior Warden); V.W. Bro. Rev. C. W. Arnold, Past Grand Chaplain.; and R.W. Bro.W. H. Giddy, District Grand Master, Griqualand (as Director of Ceremonies); The petition and the warrant for the new lodge having been read and the brethren present having signified their approval of the officers named therein, the F.C.C. delivered a short but eloquent oration on the nature and principles of Freemasonry. This was followcd by the anthem, “Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is, brethren, to dwell together in unity,” the music being by Bro. H. Bonavia-Hunt, Bmus, one of the founders of the college. Later on, the Sanctus, composed by Professor E. M. Lott was sung; and then the lodge board was uncovered, the Masters and Wardens pro tem carrying the elements of ceremonial consecration. Tho lodge having been dedicated in due and solemn form, the anthem “ for the Children Israel,” music by Bro. I. J. Stark, B. Mus., was given, the solo parts bring finely rendered by Bro. Stcdman. The further formalities having been duly discharged, a lodge was constituted. The anthem, “I have surely built thee an house,” was sung to the setting of Bro. Boyce and the Benediction having been pronounced, a board of Past Masters was formed for the installation of Bro. Edwin Matthew, as first W.M.
A number of the men of Trinity were then re-admitted to the lodge room after due and ancient form in full ceremony and full regalia.
The banquet took place at the Cafe Royal, Regent. Street, where, under the presidency of the newly-installed W.M., a very highly entertaining musical evening followed after a nine-course dinner, the formalities and entertainments ending in the early hours of the morning.