The trinoo or trin00 is a set of computer programs to conduct a DDoS attack. It is believed that trinoo networks has been set up on thousands of systems on the Internet that have been compromised by remote buffer overrun exploits.

First suspected trinoo attacks are described in CERT
CERT Coordination Center
The CERT Coordination Center was created by DARPA in November 1988 after the Morris worm struck. It is a major coordination center in dealing with Internet security problems....

 Incident Note 99-04. A trinoo network has been connected to the February 2000 distributed denial of service attack on the Yahoo!
Yahoo! Inc. is an American multinational internet corporation headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, United States. The company is perhaps best known for its web portal, search engine , Yahoo! Directory, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Groups, Yahoo! Answers, advertising, online mapping ,...


Trinoo is famous for allowing attackers to leave a message in a folder called cry_baby. The file is self replicating and is modified on a regular basis as long as port 80 is active.

Step 1

The attacker, using a compromised host, compiles a list of machines that can be compromised. Most of this process is done automatically from the compromised host, because the host stores a mount of information including how to find other hosts to compromise.

Step 2

As soon as the list of machines that can be compromised has been compiled, scripts are run to compromise them and convert them into the Trinoo Masters or Daemons. One Master can control multiple Daemons. The Daemons are the compromised hosts that launch the actual UDP floods against the victim machine.

Step 3

The DDoS attack is launched when the attacker issues a command on the Master hosts. The Masters instruct every Daemon to start a DoS attack against the IP address specified in the command, many DoSs comprise the DDoS attack.

External links

  • Trinoo description by Symantec
    Symantec Corporation is the largest maker of security software for computers. The company is headquartered in Mountain View, California, and is a Fortune 500 company and a member of the S&P 500 stock market index.-History:...

  • Trinoo Analysis by David Dittrich
  • Trinoo source code
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