Truman Head
Private Truman Head, commonly known as "California Joe", was a famous member of the United States Sharpshooters during the American Civil War. He was under the command of Hiram Berdan
"On our campground (Yorktown, VA) was the celebrated tree in which the rebel darkey sharp-shooter was shot by "California Joe." It then lay on its side, twenty-one feet in circumference and hollow, and was used by our regiment for a guard-house."[2]
Hiram Berdan
Hiram Berdan was an American engineer, inventor and military officer, world-renowned marksman, and guiding force behind and commanding colonel of the famed United States Volunteer Sharpshooter Regiments during the American Civil War...
"On our campground (Yorktown, VA) was the celebrated tree in which the rebel darkey sharp-shooter was shot by "California Joe." It then lay on its side, twenty-one feet in circumference and hollow, and was used by our regiment for a guard-house."[2]