Tulāsana or Balance Pose is a yoga
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on Supersoul...

Asana is a body position, typically associated with the practice of Yoga, originally identified as a mastery of sitting still, with the spine as a conduit of biodynamic union...

. It is also known as Dolasana (Swing Pose), Tolasana (Scale Pose), and Utthita Padmasana (Raised Lotus Pose).


The name comes from the Sanskrit words tula (तुला) meaning "balance", and asana (आसन, āsana) meaning "posture" or "seat".


From Padmasana the practitioner with the hands placed either side of the hips raises the entire torso, legs, and feet using the arms and shoulders.

Contraindications and cautions

The pose should not be practiced with current or recent shoulder or wrist injuries.

External links

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