Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag
'Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag', formerly known as Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag is a fictional character in Robert Jordan
Robert Jordan
Robert Jordan was the pen name of James Oliver Rigney, Jr. , under which he was best known as the author of the bestselling The Wheel of Time fantasy series. He also wrote under the pseudonyms Reagan O'Neal and Jackson O'Reilly.-Biography:Jordan was born in Charleston, South Carolina...

's popular
Wheel of Time
The Wheel of Time
The Wheel of Time is a series of epic fantasy novels written by American author James Oliver Rigney, Jr., under the pen name Robert Jordan. Originally planned as a six-book series, the length was increased by increments; at the time of Rigney's death, he expected it to be 12, but it will actually...

fantasy series. As the heir-designate to the Seanchan
In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time, Seanchan is the name of a continent, the empire that occupies it, and the people that live in the empire...

 empire, she is titled the
Daughter of the Nine Moons. Tuon first appears in Winter's Heart
Winter's Heart
Winter's Heart is the ninth book of the Wheel of Time fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on November 7, 2000...

, having been mentioned indirectly on several previous occasions.


She is 19 years old and described as being ebony (dark-skinned) and petite, with a heart-shaped face and large brown eyes. Tuon is the second and favorite daughter of Empress Radhanan. Her banner is two gold lions harnessed to an ancient war-cart.

Role in the series

Tuon is first mentioned, by title only, in The Great Hunt
The Great Hunt
The Great Hunt is the second book of The Wheel of Time fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on November 15, 1990. The Great Hunt consists of a prologue and 50 chapters...

. Later, in The Shadow Rising
The Shadow Rising
The Shadow Rising is the fourth book in American author Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time. It was published by Tor Books and released on September 15, 1992...

, Mat Cauthon
Mat Cauthon
Matrim "Mat" Cauthon is a fictional character in Robert Jordan's fantasy series The Wheel of Time. He is one of the primary protagonists and has moved over the course of the series from his beginnings as a mischievous farm lad into the role of a powerful, shrewd and successful general and...

 visits the realm of the Aelfinn, where he learns he is fated to marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons. Tuon first meets Mat when he barges in on a meeting between her and Queen Tylin of Altara. The sul'dam in the Tarasin Palace called Mat "Toy" in Tuon's presence, and Tuon calls Mat "Toy" throughout the book. Throughout the rest of the novel it seems that she takes great care to be wherever Mat is. Her interest in him is apparently based on a damane
A damane is a character class from fantasy author Robert Jordan's best-selling Wheel of Time book series.Damane are women born with the spark or ability to channel...

s telling of her future; the precise contents of this foretelling were not immediately revealed to readers, but they upset Tuon enough that she lost her temper and ordered the damane punished, and Tuon later discussed it briefly with her Truthspeaker, Anath
Semirhage is one of the primary antagonists of the Wheel of Time fantasy series by Robert Jordan...

. (Throughout much of the narrative, she adopts the style of an "ordinary" high noblewoman, to publicly show her humiliation at having lost control.) As Mat is in the process of escaping from Ebou Dar with Amathera and several Aes Sedai imprisoned by the Seanchan, Tuon intercedes and briefly struggles with Mat, until restrained by Noal Charin. She is identified by Egeanin as the Daughter of the Nine Moons, and Mat, shocked, refers to her as his wife three times. Unwilling to either kill her or risk her raising the alarm, Mat kidnaps Tuon, along with her personal servant (and secret bodyguard
A bodyguard is a type of security operative or government agent who protects a person—usually a famous, wealthy, or politically important figure—from assault, kidnapping, assassination, stalking, loss of confidential information, terrorist attack or other threats.Most important public figures such...

), Selucia.

For much of Crossroads of Twilight
Crossroads of Twilight
Crossroads of Twilight is the tenth book of The Wheel of Time fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on January 7, 2003...

, Tuon remains hidden with Valan Luca's circus, where Mat tries to woo his wife-to-be. When she, Mat and Selucia return from a trip into a nearby town, they learn that Renna, one of several former sul'dam with whom they left Ebou Dar, has stabbed Egeanin and fled. Mat pursues and kills Renna to protect Tuon and the others. When he returns, Tuon announces that the circus, along with everyone travelling with it - excepting only Mat, is under her protection for the time being.

Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams
Knife of Dreams is the 11th novel in the fantasy series The Wheel of Time by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books in the U.S. and Orbit in the UK and released on October 11, 2005...

finds Tuon still traveling with Mat as he discovers that Moiraine is still alive. The Band of the Red Hand is no longer in Salidar, while Aes Sedai and the Seanchan are searching for Tuon. Tuon revises her opinion of Mat as she watches him organize an effective resistance against her countrymen, feeling she has finally seen him "in his element." She completes the marriage ceremony by proclaiming that Mat is her husband three times in front of witnesses, and she reveals that she knew she would marry Mat because of the future spoken of by her damane. Her actual feelings for him have not been established, but it is clear that she holds him in high regard, and she has said that she may yet grow to love him. She also learns that she is now the Empress of the Seanchan as she is the only surviving heir, due to the deaths of her mother and siblings.

In The Gathering Storm
The Gathering Storm (novel)
The Gathering Storm is the 12th book of the fantasy series The Wheel of Time. It was incomplete when its author, Robert Jordan, died on September 16, 2007, from cardiac amyloidosis...

Tuon declares herself the Empress and subsequently changes her name to Fortuona Athaem Devi Paendrag. She does this after meeting with Rand al'Thor where she says that she will not make peace. She also orders sul'dam carried by raken and to'raken to attack the White Tower.

Tuon is briefly seen in Towers of Midnight
Towers of Midnight
Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson is the sequel to the novel The Gathering Storm, and the 13th book in the Wheel of Time series.The novel is the second part of A Memory of Light, Robert Jordan's projected final book...

. She is shown Traveling by a sul'dam and her damane, the former Amyrlin Elaida. She plans to use this new form of traveling to finally leash the Aes Sedai and destroy the White Tower. She is also briefly mentioned in Aviendha's vision of the future as being a woman of honor, implying a willingness to compromise on the damane culture as far as Aiel were concerned, but had been presumably assassinated and usurped by a new Empress who took a more extreme conservative line, subsequently conquering the rest of the WoT world within 3 generations.


It has been demonstrated that Tuon is very skilled with the a'dam, "training" collared female channelers until their minds and wills are broken. Her damane, which include a former Aes Sedai, are shown to become particularly childlike and obedient. She is also skilled in hand-to-hand self-defense, despite her stature, as it is shown that all Mat could do in his fight with her is defend, though it should be mentioned Mat was still badly wounded at the time of his escape and conflict with Tuon.
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