Typhlodromus vulgaris
Typhlodromus vulgaris is a species
In biology, a species is one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank. A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition is adequate, more precise or differing measures are...

 of predatory mite
Mites, along with ticks, are small arthropods belonging to the subclass Acari and the class Arachnida. The scientific discipline devoted to the study of ticks and mites is called acarology.-Diversity and systematics:...

 belonging to the family Phytoseiidae
Phytoseiidae is a family of mites which feed on thrips and other mite species. They are often used as a biological control agent for managing mite pests.-Subfamilies:* Amblyseiinae Muma, 1961* Phytoseiinae Berlese, 1916* Typhlodrominae Scheuten, 1857...

. This is a very small species, the female only reaching a length of 360 μm and the male even smaller at 260 μm. The body is oval, white or grey, sometimes with a pinkish tinge. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the large number (10 pairs) of seta
Seta is a biological term derived from the Latin word for "bristle". It refers to a number of different bristle- or hair-like structures on living organisms.-Animal setae:In zoology, most "setae" occur in invertebrates....

e on the lateral
Anatomical terms of location
Standard anatomical terms of location are designations employed in science that deal with the anatomy of animals to avoid ambiguities that might otherwise arise. They are not language-specific, and thus require no translation...

 part of the dorsal
Dorsum (biology)
In anatomy, the dorsum is the upper side of animals that typically run, fly, or swim in a horizontal position, and the back side of animals that walk upright. In vertebrates the dorsum contains the backbone. The term dorsal refers to anatomical structures that are either situated toward or grow...

 surface and by the distinctive spatulate setae on the fourth pair of legs. In addition the female has a very unusually shaped sclerotized
A sclerite is a hardened body part. The term is used in various branches of biology for various structures including hardened portions of sponges, but it is most commonly used for the hardened portions of arthropod exoskeletons....

 ventrianal shield, longer than wide with a convex anterior margin and deeply concave lateral margins.

This species is found on various trees, especially apple
Malus , the apples, are a genus of about 30–35 species of small deciduous trees or shrubs in the family Rosaceae. Other studies go as far as 55 species including the domesticated Orchard Apple, or Table apple as it was formerly called...

, throughout Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

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