Tzihuacxochitzin was a Queen consort
Queen consort
A queen consort is the wife of a reigning king. A queen consort usually shares her husband's rank and holds the feminine equivalent of the king's monarchical titles. Historically, queens consort do not share the king regnant's political and military powers. Most queens in history were queens consort...

 of Azcapotzalco
Azcapotzalco is one of the 16 delegaciones into which Mexico's Federal District is divided. Azcapotzalco is in the northwestern part of Mexico City...

 as a wife of the king Tezozomoc, who was very famous.

She was a daughter of the noble dignitary called Huitzilaztatzin. She married Tezozomoc, and it is mentioned by Chimalpahin that they had ten children:
  • Epcoatzin
  • Icel Azcatl
  • Itzpapalocihuatl
  • Aculnahuacatl Tzaqualcatl
    Aculnahuacatl Tzaqualcatl
    Aculnahuacatl Tzaqualcatl was the first tlatoani of the pre-Columbian Tepanec altepetl of Tlacopan in the Valley of Mexico....

  • Tlacochcuecihuatl
  • Chichilocuili
  • Maxtla
    Maxtla was a Tepanec ruler of Azcapotzalco from 1426 to his death in 1428. He succeeded his father Tezozomoc, possibly through assassination of his elder brother Tayauh. His reign saw a rapid decline in the fortunes of Azcapotzalco...

  • Xaltemoctzin
  • Xiuhcanahualtzin
    Xiuhcanahualtzin was a Princess of Azcapotzalco and Queen of Tlatelolco by marriage.-Family:She was a daughter of the king Tezozomoc and Tzihuacxochitzin and sister of the king Quaquapitzahuac. She married her nephew Tlacateotl, who was a successor of his father Quaquapitzahuac as the king of...

  • Quaquapitzahuac
    Quaquapitzahuac was the first ruler of the Aztec city of Tlatelolco. His name, which means "Slender Horn", was pronounced in Classical Nahuatl, and is also spelled Cuacuauhpitzahuac, Cuacuapitzahuac, and Quaquauhpitzahuac.-Family:...

Xaltemoctzin had a daughter called Tzihuacxochitzin, named after his mother.

Tzihuacxochitzin was a grandmother of Tlacateotl
Tlacateotl was the second ruler of the Aztec city of Tlatelolco.-Family:He succeeded his father, Quaquapitzahuac, upon his death in 1407. He was a brother of the queens Matlalatzin and Huacaltzintli and grandson of the famous king Tezozomoc...

, Matlalatzin
Matlalatzin was a Queen of Tenochtitlan as a wife of the king Chimalpopoca, and was a princess by birth. She was a daughter of Quaquapitzahuac, king of Tlatelolco, and sister of the king Tlacateotl and queen Huacaltzintli. She bore seven children....

 and Huacaltzintli
Huacaltzintli was a Princess of Tlatelolco and Queen of Tenochtitlan. She was a daughter of the king Quaquapitzahuac and sister of the king Tlacateotl and queen Matlalatzin. Her husband was Itzcoatl, Aztec emperor. She bore him son called Tezozomoc. She was a grandmother of kings Axayacatl, Tizoc...

. It is possible that she was a mother of the queen Ayauhcihuatl
Ayauhcihuatl was a Queen of Tenochtitlan.- Biography :Ayauhcihuatl was born as a princess of Azcapotzalco. She was a daughter of King Tezozomoc and sister of Kings Aculnahuacatl Tzaqualcatl, Quaquapitzahuac, Epcoatl, Tzihuactlayahuallohuatzin and Maxtla. She was sent to Tenochtitlan with many...

, who was a mother of Aztec emperor Chimalpopoca
Chimalpopoca was the third king of Tenochtitlan .-Rule:On the day of Chimalpopoca's coronation in 1417 , his brother Tlacaelel I was named high priest...

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