UK Raw
UK Raw was a late-night studio show, concerning real people and their fetish
Sexual fetishism
Sexual fetishism, or erotic fetishism, is the sexual arousal a person receives from a physical object, or from a specific situation. The object or situation of interest is called the fetish, the person a fetishist who has a fetish for that object/situation. Sexual fetishism may be regarded, e.g...

es. Subjects include a naked magician, a bondage nightclub and a man who has invented a flatulence gauge.

17 episodes of UK Raw were produced for UK television channel Five.

Episode 2

Catch BABE TV, with Adam Lewis and his girlfriend Kelly Jacobs. They have turned their place into the hub of Babe TV: an adult website that broadcasts worldwide every night with Kelly as the star. STAR STALKER, Stuart Milnes has portfolio of pictures that would make a paparazzo proud. He has snapped virtually every celebrity and star you can think of. BUGMAN, the pest controller from Manchester who takes his work home with him and eats it. STRANGE LOVE, delving into the world of bondage within a loving context. We talk to two couples; witness what they like to do to each other; and visit a special club frequented by like-minded people.

Episode 3

TV ASCOT - Every year the highlight for a special group of race-goers is Ladies Day at Ascot. They’re transvestites who revel in dressing up in thousands of pounds worth of clothes. LUCY FIRE - A performance artist who goes to the extreme. She gained notoriety by angle-grinding her crotch and breasts in a shower of sparks protected by a metal bikini. Then she acted out a devil birth which ended with her eating her own baby. And now Lucy performs a strip which doesn’t stop at her clothes. She takes off her skin as well. DEAD ELVIS - [Tony Hickson] a circus knife thrower from Newcastle. He hit his clown assistant who had to go to hospital and have six stitches in his shoulder. So Tony changed course. Instead, he devised a unique Elvis Presley impersonation …Elvis as though he had been dead for six months Tony Is now a stand up and actor/writer. GUT BARGERS - The Gut Bargers use their extremely large bellies to wrestle and barge into each other.

Episode 4

This 4-part episode includes SPLOSH, the amazing success of Splosh!
Splosh! is a British fetish magazine devoted to wet and messy fetishism. It features pictures of, and stories about, women in wet and messy situations...

, a magazine devoted to people who like to see girls covered in food. OCCULT, including filmed scenes no one in the media has ever come near including rituals and possession. We go UFO hunting with a serving prison officer who claims that he is personally in contact with aliens from outer space. And the fairy tale story of Carlo Little
Carlo Little
Carlo Little was a rock and roll drummer, based in the London nightclub scene in the 1960s. He played in an early version of The Rolling Stones...

, the original Rolling Stones drummer before Charlie Watts
Charlie Watts
Charles Robert "Charlie" Watts is an English drummer, best known as a member of The Rolling Stones. He is also the leader of a jazz band, a record producer, commercial artist, and horse breeder.-Early life:...

. They begged him to play with them, but he quit after four gigs saying they were no good. Carlo’s lived with that decision ever since and now runs a hamburger van in the shadow of Wembley Stadium
Wembley Stadium
The original Wembley Stadium, officially known as the Empire Stadium, was a football stadium in Wembley, a suburb of north-west London, standing on the site now occupied by the new Wembley Stadium that opened in 2007...

. We took him to Paris and facilitated a meeting with the Stones who greeted him like a long lost brother. And we’ve got the still pictures to prove it.

Episode 5

Meet: Vicky Lee, a successful glamour model for the tabloid newspapers and has sculpted her body with cosmetic surgery to make it commercially more attractive; Steve Miller, a spoof, fictional TV presenter called The Mad Manc who takes us on his tour of Manchester’s night life. Steve liggs his way around the clubs but unfortunately the doormen have not been informed of his VIP status; Dr Colin Leakey
Colin Leakey
Colin Louis Avern Leakey is a leading plant scientist in the United Kingdom, a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge and of the Institute of Biology, and a world authority on beans.-Background:...

, who has spent most of his professional life on a quest to cultivate the world’s first fart
Fart is an English language vulgarism most commonly used in reference to flatulence. The word "fart" is generally considered unsuitable in a formal environment by modern English speakers, and it may be considered vulgar or offensive in some situations. Fart can be used as a noun or a verb...

 free bean; and film maker David Wilkey, one of the most successful single film producers in Britain. He let us have a sneak preview on set of the next film he’s directing called The Slapstick Avenger. All of his work has a melodramatic plot ending up in a group of lovely girls covering each other in mud, food, oil, water or anything else to hand. They love the work, and so does David’s crew who have to shower the stars afterwards.

Episode 6

COMIC STRIPPER, G. Ida Sputem has been a stripper since she was 17 years-old. Now at 34 she is trying to change her role in life, and become a stand-up comic. TORTURE GARDEN, play doctor or nurse at NHS, London’s biggest fetish club, the Torture Garden.
JAWS, Terry Cole
Terry Cole
Terry Cole is a British TV and film stuntman.- Career :Terry Cole has been part of the entertainment business for many years performing for live audiences, TV and film. Terry has had many roles in various films and television shows...

 just can’t stop breaking records. Whether it’s crawling for miles, balancing a milk bottle on his head, and dozens of pint glasses, fitness fanatic and strongman Terry has to do it. SAM AND THE BLADES, Samantha Kane used to be Sam Hashimi, a wealthy Iraqi businessman who made a bid in 1990 to take over one of Britain’s oldest football clubs, Sheffield United, known as "The Blades". Now Sam is Samantha after a complete sex change two years ago and is attempting to become the football club’s Chief Executive.

Episode 7

The Birch Bottom and Lovitt Pony Club is a group of like-minded enthusiasts who go in for light-hearted spanking. They have a favourite game they like to play - Ponies and Mistresses. NUDE POETS - Two Russian poets got fed up being pelted with tomatoes and rubbish when they tried to put on outdoor poetry performances. A troupe of leather and bondage enthusiasts decided to give traditional English Morris Dancing a new twist. Brian Williams makes black and white films based on FBI photographs showing scenes of crime involving auto-erotic deaths.

Episode 8

For the first time on television a British dominatrix
Dominatrix or mistress is a woman or women who takes the dominant role in bondage, discipline and sadomasochism, or BDSM. A common form of address for a submissive to a dominatrix is "mistress", "ma'am", "domina" or "maîtresse"...

 and her slave tell us what they both get out of it. A group of lads in Sheffield
Sheffield is a city and metropolitan borough of South Yorkshire, England. Its name derives from the River Sheaf, which runs through the city. Historically a part of the West Riding of Yorkshire, and with some of its southern suburbs annexed from Derbyshire, the city has grown from its largely...

 are determined to be budding Spielbergs . They make epic films like legend of Roy loosely based on Hollywood’s Conan the Barbarian
Conan the Barbarian
Conan the Barbarian is a fictional sword and sorcery hero that originated in pulp fiction magazines and has since been adapted to books, comics, several films , television programs, video games, roleplaying games and other media...

. Bruno Beloff has a passion for zebras. He’s convinced he’s a zebra trapped in a human body. Pete Mastin and Trixie Le Marr are performance artists who are pierced in every conceivable part of their bodies.

Episode 9

What does a male stripper who has being doing it for years do when he wants to hang up his jock strap? He tries to become a serious actor. We follow him as he tries his hand at Shakespeare. The girls, however, want him to stick to stripping. A women’s workshop which has nothing to do with flower arranging. It teaches women how to look and act like men. Fat is not an issue any more. In fact it’s the main topic of a magazine. Only twenty stone models are allowed to grace the pages of BELLY magazine in various glamorous poses. One of the models is called Angel, we accompany her on a model photo shoot. During the week this group of lads from Dudley near Birmingham lead normal workaday lives, but come the weekend, they all turn into Alice in Cooperland, a tribute band to the great Alice Cooper complete with buckets of stage blood, stabbing, strangulation, electrocution and explicit sexual innuendo.

Episode 10

It’s sixties night for our last show. We look at the era that never went away, and the huge revival now going on. Angie Smith lives her life entirely in the sixties. Tattoo man Tim Lyons is totally covered in body art tattoos. UK RAW focuses on three completely mad and most inebriated alternative zoologists who hunt the world over for evidence of beasts mentioned in myths, fables or monsters sighted in various part of the world. Check out Kamikaze Freak Show, the Gut Bargers, Bugman, and Superdick."

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