USS Cushing
USS Cushing' may rfer to one of several United States Navy
United States Navy
The United States Navy is the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven uniformed services of the United States. The U.S. Navy is the largest in the world; its battle fleet tonnage is greater than that of the next 13 largest navies combined. The U.S...

 ships named in honor of William B. Cushing
William B. Cushing
William Barker Cushing was an officer in the United States Navy, best known for sinking the Confederate ironclad CSS Albemarle during a daring nighttime raid on October 27, 1864, a feat for which he received the Thanks of Congress.-Early life and career:Cushing was born in Delafield, Wisconsin,...

  • The , was a torpedo boat commissioned in 1890, and served until her decommissioning in 1898
  • The , an commissioned 1915 and decommissioned in 1920
  • The , a , commissioned in 1936, sunk during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal
    Naval Battle of Guadalcanal
    The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, sometimes referred to as the Third and Fourth Battles of Savo Island, the Battle of the Solomons, The Battle of Friday the 13th, or, in Japanese sources, as the , took place from 12–15 November 1942, and was the decisive engagement in a series of naval battles...

    in November 1942
  • The , a , commissioned in 1944, and decommissioned in 1960
  • The , a , commissioned in 1978 and deactivated in 2005
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