Udjebten or Wadjebten was an ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Egyptian civilization coalesced around 3150 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under the first pharaoh...

ian queen consort, a wife of Pharaoh Pepi II of the sixth dynasty
Sixth dynasty of Egypt
The sixth dynasty of ancient Egypt is often combined with Dynasties III, IV and V under the group title the Old Kingdom.-Pharaohs:...



Her titles include that of Hereditary Princess (ỉrỉỉ.t-pˁt), which indicates she was of noble birth.

All other titles known for Udjebten are related to her role as wife of the king: She who sees Horus and Seth (m33.t-ḥrw-stš), Great one of the hetes-sceptre (wr.t-ḥts), King’s Wife (ḥm.t-nỉswt), Beloved King’s Wife of Men-ankh-Neferkare (ḥm.t-nỉswt mrỉỉ.t=f mn-ˁnḫ-nfr-k3-rˁ), Attendant of Horus (ḫt-ḥrw), Consort of the Beloved of the Two Ladies (zm3.t mrỉỉ-nb.tỉ).

None of her titles state that she was a King's Daughter, so she may not have been a sister to pharaoh Pepi II like his other wives Neith
Neith (wife of Pepi II)
Neith was an ancient Egyptian queen consort, one of the principal queens of the Old Kingdom pharaoh Pepi II, who ruled . Queen Neith was named after goddess Neith.-Family:...

 and Iput II
Iput II
Iput was an ancient Egyptian queen consort of the Sixth dynasty, a sister and wife of Pepi II.-Titles:Her titles King’s Daughter , and Eldest King’s Daughter show that Iput II was a daughter of a pharaoh...



Udjebten was buried in a pyramid in Saqqara
Saqqara is a vast, ancient burial ground in Egypt, serving as the necropolis for the Ancient Egyptian capital, Memphis. Saqqara features numerous pyramids, including the world famous Step pyramid of Djoser, sometimes referred to as the Step Tomb due to its rectangular base, as well as a number of...

. Her pyramid complex included a pyramid, a small mortuary temple and a cult pyramid. Udjebten's complex was surrounded by two perimeter walls. An inscription found at the sites mentions that the top of Udjebten's pyramid was encased in gold.
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