Uet era Ongael
Uet era Ongael is a marine lake located on Ongael island, Koror
Koror is the state comprising the main commercial centre of the Republic of Palau. It consists of several islands, the most prominent being Koror Island ....

, in Palau
Palau , officially the Republic of Palau , is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines and south of Tokyo. In 1978, after three decades as being part of the United Nations trusteeship, Palau chose independence instead of becoming part of the Federated States of Micronesia, a...

. There are about 70 other marine lakes located throughout the Rock Islands and Koror. Uet era Ongael is notable for endemic subspecies of golden jellyfish
Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. Medusa is another word for jellyfish, and refers to any free-swimming jellyfish stages in the phylum Cnidaria...

 and is one of five marine lakes in Palau used for several scientific researches in evolutionary biology, the other lakes being Jellyfish Lake
Jellyfish Lake
Jellyfish Lake is a marine lake located on Eil Malk island in Palau. Eil Malk is part of the Rock Islands, a group of small, rocky, mostly uninhabited islands in Palau's Southern Lagoon, between Koror and Peleliu. There are about 70 other marine lakes located throughout the Rock Islands. Jellyfish...

, Clear Lake
Clear Lake (Palau)
Clear Lake is a marine lake located on Eil Malk island in Palau. Eil Malk is part of the Rock Islands, a group of small, rocky, mostly uninhabited islands in Palau's Southern Lagoon, between Koror and Peleliu. There are about 70 other marine lakes located throughout the Rock Islands...

, Uet era Ngermeuangel
Uet era Ngermeuangel
Uet era Ngermeuangel is a marine lake located on Koror island in Palau. There are about 70 other marine lakes located throughout the Rock Islands and Koror...

 and Goby Lake
Goby Lake
Goby Lake is a marine lake located on Koror island in Palau. There are about 70 other marine lakes located throughout the Rock Islands and Koror...


Golden jellyfish

Uet era Ongael is connected to the ocean through fissures and tunnels in the limestone of ancient Miocene
The Miocene is a geological epoch of the Neogene Period and extends from about . The Miocene was named by Sir Charles Lyell. Its name comes from the Greek words and and means "less recent" because it has 18% fewer modern sea invertebrates than the Pliocene. The Miocene follows the Oligocene...

 reefs. However the lake is sufficiently isolated and the conditions are different enough that the diversity of species in the lake is greatly reduced from the nearby lagoon. The golden jellyfish Mastigias
Mastigias is a genus of true jellyfish in the family Mastigiidae. It contains eight described species.-Species:*Mastigias albipunctatus*Mastigias andersoni*Mastigias gracilis*Mastigias ocellatus*Mastigias pantherinus...

cf., an abbreviation for the Latin word confer , literally meaning "bring together", is used to refer to other material or ideas which may provide similar or different information or arguments. It is mainly used in scholarly contexts, such as in academic or legal texts...

 papua remengesaui is substantially different from their close relatives living in the nearby lagoons. This is the most ornate of Palau lake jellyfishes, with solid white spots; younger jellyfish have a pale blue color.
The small lake is also home to jellyfish of other species (Aurelia
Aurelia (genus)
Aurelia is a genus of scyphozoan jellyfish . There are at least 13 species in the genus Aurelia including many that are still not formally described...

In biology, a species is one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank. A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition is adequate, more precise or differing measures are...

, Cassiopea
The Cassiopea jellyfish belongs to the Order Rhizostomeae and mostly lives in sandy areas and seagrass beds. The Cassiopea jellyfish is also called "Upside Down Jellyfish", because it lies on its back, so that the bell touches the ground. In this position it resembles a sea anemone...


Lake morphology

Uet era Ongael is the smallest and shallowest Palau lake with registered endemic subspecies of jellyfish. The lake is holomictic
Holomictic lakes are lakes, which, at some time during the year, have a uniform temperature and density from top to bottom, allowing the lake waters to completely mix. Holomictic lakes are non-meromictic lakes....

- it does not have layers as it is comparatively shallow and with low banks, permitting for winds and sea tides to mix the water.

External links

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