Unteraar Glacier
The Unteraar Glacier is the larger of the two sources of the Aar river in the Bernese Alps
Bernese Alps
The Bernese Alps are a group of mountain ranges in the western part of the Alps, in Switzerland. Although the name suggests that they are located in the Bernese Oberland region of the canton of Bern, portions of the Bernese Alps are in the adjacent cantons of Valais, Lucerne, Obwalden, Fribourg and...

. It emerges from the association of the Finsteraar Glacier (near the Finsteraarhorn
The Finsteraarhorn is the highest mountain in the Bernese Alps and the highest mountain in the canton of Berne. It is also the highest summit in the Alps lying outside the main chain, or watershed. The Finsteraarhorn is the ninth highest and third most prominent peak in the Alps...

) and the Lauteraar Glacier (near the Lauteraarhorn
The Lauteraarhorn is a peak of the Aarmassif in the Bernese Alps in Switzerland. It lies close to the Schreckhorn and the Finsteraarhorn...

) and flows for about 6 km (3.7 mi) to the east down to the Grimselsee
Grimselsee or Lake Grimsel is an artificial lake near Grimsel pass in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland. With a volume of 95 mio m³, it is larger than other hydroelectric reservoirs in the region: Oberaarsee, Räterichsbodensee and Gelmersee. The dam was completed in 1932 and is operated by...

 near the Grimsel Pass
Grimsel Pass
Grimsel Pass is a Swiss high mountain pass.-Position:It connects the valley of the Rhone River in the canton of Valais and the Haslital in the canton of Bern....

. In total the glacier is 12.95 km (8 mi) long and 29.48 km² (11.4 sq mi) in area (1973).

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