Uttama Seva Padakkama
The Uttama Seva Padakkama ( "Meritorious Service Medal") is presented to all ranks of the Regular Forces of the Sri Lankan military for valuable service and dedication to duty with the outstanding ability, merit and excellent conduct, given that they count not less than 15 years continuous and uninterrupted service and possess and perfectly flawless record of moral and military conduct.

Awarding of Medal

The decoration is awarded at the National Day Parade by His/Her Excellency the President
President of Sri Lanka
The President of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is the elected head of state and the head of government. The President is a dominant political figure in Sri Lanka. The office was created in 1978 but has grown so powerful there have been calls to restrict or even eliminate its power...

, and beneficiary will be permitted to use the post-nominal letters of USP after His/Her name.

External links

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