VEM Aktienbank AG
VEM Aktienbank AG is a Munich
Munich The city's motto is "" . Before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz" . Its native name, , is derived from the Old High German Munichen, meaning "by the monks' place". The city's name derives from the monks of the Benedictine order who founded the city; hence the monk depicted on the city's coat...

-based investment bank with a strong focus on corporate actions and designated sponsoring for exchange-listed SMEs. Having transacted over 250 capital increases and listings since its founding in 1997, VEM is a major player in the German IPO and secondaries
Secondaries is a shorthand form for:* Private equity secondaries, pre-existing investor commitments to private equity and other alternative investment funds purchased in the private equity secondary market...

 market. Services for oversees companies include dual listings or primary listings (floating
Public float
The float of a company whose stock is publicly traded has different default meanings depending on the presumed context.Without a qualifier it may refer to the entire market capitalization of the company or only its publicly traded equity....

 or IPO) on all German market segments (Open Market
Open market
The term open market is used generally to refer to a situation close to free trade and in a more specific technical sense to interbank trade in securities.-Use of the term in economic theory:...

, Entry Standard, General Standard
General Standard
General Standard is a market segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.Companies which belong to General Standard have to fulfill minimum requirements in terms of transparency regulated by law. Stock issuers with a focus on national German markets are appropriate to General Standard. To be listed in...

, Prime Standard
Prime Standard
Prime Standard is a market segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that lists German companies which comply with international transparency standards. The requirements are higher than in General Standard which is regulated by law...

 of Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Frankfurt Stock Exchange
The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the world's 12th largest stock exchange by market capitalization. Located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is owned and operated by Deutsche Börse, which also owns the European futures exchange Eurex and the clearing company...

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