Valor Security Services
Valor Security Services of Marietta, GA, a division of SMS Holdings Nashville, TN, is the largest company in the United States providing contract security services exclusively to the shopping center industry. In 2006, the last year data was available, Valor ranked as the nation’s 18th largest security firm in Security Magazine’s ranking of the 50 largest security firms (determined by Valor's annual revenue of $90 million).
Valor was founded in 1991 by Dan Rakestraw. Mr. Rakestraw currently serves as President. Valor is a national provider of security management services and risk management services to over 300 properties and employs over 4000 people.
Valor was founded in 1991 by Dan Rakestraw. Mr. Rakestraw currently serves as President. Valor is a national provider of security management services and risk management services to over 300 properties and employs over 4000 people.