Vanity Lair
Vanity Lair is a reality television program on Channel 4
Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began working on 2 November 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority , the station is now owned and operated by the Channel...

 , which started on the 3rd of February 2008, it is presented by Alexa Chung
Alexa Chung
Alexa Chung is an English television presenter, model and contributing editor at British Vogue.She currently hosts Gonzo with Alexa Chung for MTV UK, and is scheduled to host Thrift America for PBS in 2011...


The shows aim is to discover what being beautiful really is. The format involves ten pre-selected beautiful people living in a mansion called 'Vanity Lair'. Each week three new arrivals compete for a place in the lair. The three new arrivals are immediately faced with the ten lairmates and asked a series of questions, the lairmates then decide which of the three to eliminate. The remaining two new arrivals then spend the rest of the week living in the mansion. At the end of the week the lairmates then vote on who they believe to be the most attractive of the new arrivals, the person scoring lowest is sent home. The new arrival scoring highest wins a place in 'Vanity Lair', however they then have to decide which of the current lairmates to eliminate, as there is only room for ten lairmates at any one time. In addition to this all contestants face a series of 'experiments throughout their stay in the lair.

The First series finished with an extended season finale on April 6, 2008, with a double episode.


In the order they sit in the judgement room:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
Kasey Kasey Kasey Kasey Kasey Kasey Kasey Kasey Kasey Kasey
Nick Nick Nick Kristina Kristina Kristina Kristina Kristina Kristina Kristina
Shani Shani Shani Shani Jonny Jonny Jonny Jonny Jonny Jonny
Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Iain Nicole Emma
Stephanie Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas
Pavle Pavle Pavle Pavle Pavle Pavle Pavle Pavle Pavle Pavle
Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa
Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Lizzie Candice Candice Candice Candice
Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa Larissa
Tony Tony Emmett Emmett Emmett Emmett Emmett Emmett Emmett Emmett
Thomas Emmett Kristina Jonny Lizzie Candice Iain Nicole Emma
Kellie Helen Ellie Solomon Beatrix Luke Martin Bianca Alex
Kaveh Annameka Katherine Ollie Hannah James Ashley Laura Hare
James Clare

The lairmate who was replaced by the new arrival
The new arrival chosen to join the lair
The new arrival voted the least attractive and eliminated at final judging
The new arrival eliminated on first impressions
The new arrival quit the competition
The Winner of Vanity Lair

2nd season TBA

2nd season of vanity lair is already cancelled!
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