Vărbilău is a commune
Communes of Romania
A commune is the lowest level of administrative subdivision in Romania. There are 2686 communes in Romania. The commune is the rural subdivision of a county .There is no clear restriction on the population of a commune, even though when a commune...

 in Prahova County
Prahova County
Prahova is a county of Romania, in the historical region Muntenia, with the capital city at Ploieşti.-Demographics:In 2002, it had a population of 829,945 and the population density was 176/km². It is Romania's most populated county, having a population density double than the country's mean...

, Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...

. It is composed of five villages: Coţofeneşti, Livadea, Podu Ursului, Poiana Vărbilău and Vărbilău.


A beautiful gold ceremonial helm
Helmet of Coţofeneşti
The Golden Helmet of Coţofeneşti is a Geto-Dacian helmet dating from the first half of the 4th century BC.In 1929, a child named Traian Simion uncovered the helmet by chance on the territory of the village of Poiana Coţofeneşti , Prahova County, Romania, in the location called "Vârful Fundăturii"...

 (5th century BC) was discovered at Poiana-Coţofeneşti in 1929. Additional research was done by I. Andrieşescu, immediately after the finding. The helmet it kept at the National History Museum of Romania (inv 11420).

External links

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