Villa Lante al Gianicolo
Villa Lante al Gianicolo is a villa in Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...

, Italy
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

, on the Gianicolo
The Janiculum is a hill in western Rome, Italy. Although the second-tallest hill in the contemporary city of Rome, the Janiculum does not figure among the proverbial Seven Hills of Rome, being west of the Tiber and outside the boundaries of the ancient city.-Sights:The Janiculum is one of the...


This summer house was designed by Giulio Romano
Giulio Romano
Giulio Romano was an Italian painter and architect. A pupil of Raphael, his stylistic deviations from high Renaissance classicism help define the 16th-century style known as Mannerism...

 during the early part of the 16th century and came into the ownership of Ippolito Lante Montefeltro della Rovere
Ippolito Lante Montefeltro della Rovere
Ippolito Lante Montefeltro della Rovere was an Italian nobleman and Duke of Bomarzo.-Biography:Lante was the son of Marcantonio Lante and his wife Lucrezia della Rovere. He was nephew to his father's brother, Cardinal Marcello Lante della Rovere...

, Duke of Bomarzo
Bomarzo is a town and comune of the province of Viterbo , in the lower valley of the Tiber. It is located 14.5 km ENE of Viterbo and 68 km NNW of Rome.-History:...

, during the 17th century. The later-impoverished Lante family had to sell the Villa Lante in Rome by the early 19th century. After the sale the house belonged, among others, to the famous German archaeologist Wolfgang Helbig
Wolfgang Helbig
Wolfgang Helbig was a German classical archaeologist who was a native of Dresden.From 1856 to 1861 he studied philology and archaeology at the Universities of Göttingen and Bonn, and in 1862 became a member of the German Archaeological Institute to Rome...

 in the late 19th century. Today, the property is owned by the Republic of Finland through Senate Properties
Senate Properties
Senate Properties is a Finnish unincorporated state-owned enterprise, which manages a major part of the real estate assets owned by the Republic of Finland.-History:...

, and the building houses the Institutum Romanum Finlandiae and the Embassy of Finland to the Holy See
Holy See
The Holy See is the episcopal jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome, in which its Bishop is commonly known as the Pope. It is the preeminent episcopal see of the Catholic Church, forming the central government of the Church. As such, diplomatically, and in other spheres the Holy See acts and...



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