Villa Magante
Villa Magante, created in 2006 by the national congress, is the fastest growing municipal district in Espaillat Province in the Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic is a nation on the island of La Hispaniola, part of the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region. The western third of the island is occupied by the nation of Haiti, making Hispaniola one of two Caribbean islands that are shared by two countries...

with favorable economic projections in all sectors but especially in livestock and tourism.

The sections of Villa Magante are the Urban Zone (consisting of the La Yagua neighborhood), Vereda al Medio, La Cantera, Las Tres Ceibas, and Magante. The district includes Rogelio Beach, Magante Beach, Esmeral Bay, Puerto Escondido, and Michijo Point.

The district is administered by a trustee (president of the district committee) and three aldermen.
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