Voacamine, also known under the older names voacanginine and vocamine, is a naturally occurring dimeric indole alkaloid of the secologanin
Secologanin is a monoterpene synthesized from geranyl pyrophosphate in the mevalonate pathway. Secologanin then proceedes with dopamine to form ipecac alkaloids.-Biosynthesis:...

 type, found in a number of plants, including Voacanga africana
Voacanga africana
Voacanga africana is a small tropical African tree that grows to 6m in height. It has leaves that are up to 30 cm in length, and the tree produces yellow or white flowers, which become berries with yellow seeds.- Uses :...


Chemical structure

There is considerable confusion about the absolute stereochemical conformation of voacamine and the originally published absolute structure had to be later revised.
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