Voicemail (TV series)
Voicemail is an online television show that can be seen through the ABC.com Full Episode Player. Each short webisode
features Mike, played by Ezra Godden, with his voicemail
messages played in the background. As each message plays they help explain Mike's actions. In the episode entitled "Supplies", for example, Mike is seen making a giant ball out of masking tape while a series of voicemails from his boss asking him where the tape is going.
A webisode is a short episode which airs initially as Internet television, either download or stream as opposed to first airing on broadcast or cable television. The format can be used as a preview, a promotion, as part of a collection of shorts, or a commercial.A webisode can be an episode...
features Mike, played by Ezra Godden, with his voicemail
Voicemail is a computer based system that allows users and subscribers to exchange personal voice messages; to select and deliver voice information; and to process transactions relating to individuals, organizations, products and services, using an ordinary telephone...
messages played in the background. As each message plays they help explain Mike's actions. In the episode entitled "Supplies", for example, Mike is seen making a giant ball out of masking tape while a series of voicemails from his boss asking him where the tape is going.
Date | Title | Length (m:s) |
3/22/07 | "Airport Pickup", "Helmet", "Poetry" | 2:50 |
3/28/07 | "Mega Hit Video", "Football", "Shower" | 3:13 |
4/4/07 | "Edible Undies", "Credit Card", "Supplies" | 2:19 |
4/11/07 | "Telemarketing", "Panties", "Techsupport" | 2:36 |
4/18/07 | "Promotion", "Third Date", "Stuff" | 4:03 |
4/25/07 | "Rough Night Out", "The Pain" | 1:23 |
5/2/07 | "Mikes Revenge", "Regifting" | 1:30 |
5/9/07 | "Playstation1", "Playstation2", "Jeremy" | 2:07 |
5/16/07 | "Breakdown" | 0:58 |
5/23/07 | "Party Prep" | 0:58 |
5/30/07 | "Perfect Husband" | 1:16 |
6/6/07 | "Repairs" | 0:35 |
6/13/07 | "Fitness" | 0:33 |
6/20/07 | "Locked Out" | 0:35 |
6/27/07 | "Big Night Out" | 0:59 |
7/4/07 | "Waxing" | 0:46 |