Voodoo Kid
Voodoo Kid was a graphic adventure game
Graphic adventure game
A graphic adventure game is a form of adventure game. They are distinct from text adventures. Whereas a player must actively observe using commands such as "look" in a text-based adventure, graphic adventures revolutionized gameplay by making use of natural human perception...

 published by Infogrames
Infogrames Entertainment SA was an international French holding company headquartered in Paris, France. It was the owner of Atari, Inc., headquartered in New York City, U.S. and Atari Europe. It was founded in 1983 by Bruno Bonnell and Christophe Sapet using the proceeds from an introductory...

 and released in 1997.
In the last decade the game started to gain some popularity among retro-gaming enthusiasts
Fan (person)
A Fan, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with a liking and enthusiasm for something, such as a band or a sports team. Fans of a particular thing or person constitute its fanbase or fandom...

 and a sort of underground community was developed around the game.

Although the game is fairly easy, it has rather unique traits that are not usually present in other graphic adventure games. For instance it allows the player to choose the gender of the character and gives some freedom as how to resolve the puzzles.


The player starts as either a female or male character. The unnamed character is reading about Baron Saturday, an evil voodoo spirit/captain that's turned all the crew of his ship into mindless zombies by trapping their souls in a voodoo-like mug
A mug is a sturdily built type of cup often used for drinking hot beverages, such as coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Mugs, by definition, have handles and often hold a larger amount of fluid than other types of cup. Usually a mug holds approximately 12 fluid ounces of liquid; double a tea cup...

 while searching for the Island of Lost Souls.
The protagonist falls asleep and is magically transported to the ship. Where, with the help of the captain's butler, he defeats Baron Saturday freeing the crew's souls . The character then wakes up and in his room with the Baron's mysterious mug on the floor. Its inferred that Baron Saturday's soul is now held in the mug.


The game was received mostly positive reviews
, but as it was a kid's game it did not generate much impact.

See also

Voodoo Kid Review at Mobygames.com

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