Vy-lo-fone is the third studio album from Shetland-based band Bongshang
Bongshang are a band from Shetland who fuse traditional Shetland and folk styles with rock, funk, electronica and contemporary production techniques...


Track listing

  1. "Intro" - 0:28
  2. "Myrakle" - 3:15
  3. "Launderette" - 3:49
  4. "Grass Widow" - 5:22
  5. "Longer" - 3:45
  6. "Superfresco" - 3:32
  7. "Cassini" - 4:18
  8. "Grass Orphan" - 1:48
  9. "Wisdom" - 5:52
  10. "Kalifornia" - 1:41


  • JJ Jamieson - banjo
    In the 1830s Sweeney became the first white man to play the banjo on stage. His version of the instrument replaced the gourd with a drum-like sound box and included four full-length strings alongside a short fifth-string. There is no proof, however, that Sweeney invented either innovation. This new...

    , vocals, keyboards
    Keyboard instrument
    A keyboard instrument is a musical instrument which is played using a musical keyboard. The most common of these is the piano. Other widely used keyboard instruments include organs of various types as well as other mechanical, electromechanical and electronic instruments...

    , samples
    Sampling (music)
    In music, sampling is the act of taking a portion, or sample, of one sound recording and reusing it as an instrument or a different sound recording of a song or piece. Sampling was originally developed by experimental musicians working with musique concrète and electroacoustic music, who physically...

  • Gordon Tulloch - guitar
    The guitar is a plucked string instrument, usually played with fingers or a pick. The guitar consists of a body with a rigid neck to which the strings, generally six in number, are attached. Guitars are traditionally constructed of various woods and strung with animal gut or, more recently, with...

    , vocals
  • Leonard Scollay - fiddle
    The term fiddle may refer to any bowed string musical instrument, most often the violin. It is also a colloquial term for the instrument used by players in all genres, including classical music...

  • Andrew Gray - bass guitar
    Bass guitar
    The bass guitar is a stringed instrument played primarily with the fingers or thumb , or by using a pick....

  • Christopher 'Kipper' Anderson - drums, percussion
    Percussion instrument
    A percussion instrument is any object which produces a sound when hit with an implement or when it is shaken, rubbed, scraped, or otherwise acted upon in a way that sets the object into vibration...

Guest personnel

  • Jack Robertson - pedal steel
  • Ivor Polson - mandolin
    A mandolin is a musical instrument in the lute family . It descends from the mandore, a soprano member of the lute family. The mandolin soundboard comes in many shapes—but generally round or teardrop-shaped, sometimes with scrolls or other projections. A mandolin may have f-holes, or a single...

  • James Henry Erikson - mandolin
    A mandolin is a musical instrument in the lute family . It descends from the mandore, a soprano member of the lute family. The mandolin soundboard comes in many shapes—but generally round or teardrop-shaped, sometimes with scrolls or other projections. A mandolin may have f-holes, or a single...

  • Joanna Redmond - vocals

Sleeve notes

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