Walter Bockmayer
Walter Bockmayer is a German film director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

, screenwriter
Screenwriters or scriptwriters or scenario writers are people who write/create the short or feature-length screenplays from which mass media such as films, television programs, Comics or video games are based.-Profession:...

 and actor. He directed seven films between 1975
1975 in film
The year 1975 in film involved some significant events, with Steven Spielberg's thriller Jaws topping the box office.-Events:*March 26 - The film version of The Who's Tommy premieres in London....

 and 1988
1988 in film
-Top grossing films :- Awards :Academy Awards:* Act of Piracy* Action Jackson, starring Carl Weathers, Craig T. Nelson, Vanity, Sharon Stone* The Adventures of Baron Munchausen* Akira* Alice...

. His 1978 film Flaming Hearts
Flaming Hearts
Flaming Hearts is a 1978 German drama film directed by Walter Bockmayer and Rolf Bührmann. It was entered into the 28th Berlin International Film Festival...

was entered into the 28th Berlin International Film Festival
28th Berlin International Film Festival
The 28th annual Berlin International Film Festival was held from February 22 to March 5, 1978. This was the first year the festival was held in February.-Jury:* Patricia Highsmith * Sergio Leone* Theodoros Angelopoulos* Jacques Rozier...


Selected filmography

  • Flaming Hearts
    Flaming Hearts
    Flaming Hearts is a 1978 German drama film directed by Walter Bockmayer and Rolf Bührmann. It was entered into the 28th Berlin International Film Festival...

    (1978 - director) (Deutscher Filmpreis
    Deutscher Filmpreis
    The Deutscher Filmpreis is the highest German movie award. From 1951 to 2004 it was awarded by a commission, since 2005 the award has been given by the Deutsche Filmakademie...

    : Filmband in Silber (Enten-Produktion))
  • Looping (1981 - director) (Deutscher Filmpreis
    Deutscher Filmpreis
    The Deutscher Filmpreis is the highest German movie award. From 1951 to 2004 it was awarded by a commission, since 2005 the award has been given by the Deutsche Filmakademie...

    : Filmband in Gold)
  • In a Year of 13 Moons
    In a Year of 13 Moons
    In a Year of 13 Moons is a 1978 drama film directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder and starring Volker Spengler. The film was made in response to the suicide of Fassbinder's lover at the time, Armin Meier.- Plot :...

    (1978 - actor)

External links

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