Wang Chuyi
Wang Chuyi was one of "The Seven Perfect Ones of the North" or "The Seven Real Taoists", terms used for disciples of Wang Chongyang
Wang Chongyang
Wang Chongyang [Chinese calendar: 宋徽宗政和二年十二月廿二 – 金世宗大定十年正月初四] was a Chinese Taoist and one of the founders of the Quanzhen School in the twelfth century during the Song Dynasty. He was one of the Five Northern Patriarchs of Quanzhen...

. He founded the Yushan lineage of the Quanzhen School
Quanzhen School
The Quanzhen School of Taoism originated in Northern China. It was founded by the Taoist Wang Chongyang in the 12th century, during the rise of the Jin Dynasty...

. He was alleged to have resurrected a corpse by covering his ears and shouting "The Underground Ministry Must Not Receive Him."
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