Wangjaesan Light Music Band
The Wangjaesan Light Music Band is a music group in North Korea
North Korea
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea , , is a country in East Asia, occupying the northern half of the Korean Peninsula. Its capital and largest city is Pyongyang. The Korean Demilitarized Zone serves as the buffer zone between North Korea and South Korea...

. It was established by North Korean leader Kim Jong Il on 22 July 1983.

Its music is often broadcast over Korean Central Broadcasting Station
Media of North Korea
The media of North Korea is one of the most strictly controlled in the world. As a result, information is tightly controlled both into and out of North Korea. The constitution provides for freedom of speech and the press; however, the government prohibits the exercise of these rights in practice...

 channels such as Radio Pyongyang.

It takes its name from Mt. Wangjae in Onsong-gun, North Hamgyong Province, on the border with China
People's Republic of China
China , officially the People's Republic of China , is the most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres...

, where Kim Il Sung is said to have held a meeting for anti-Japanese activities in 1933.

External links

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