Wapet Road
Wapet Road
Also known as Kidson Track is an outback track in the Pilbara region of Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...

It follows approximately the Canning Basin
Canning Basin
The Canning Basin is a geological basin located in Western Australia.The Basin covers approximately of which approximately is on land...

 boundary in the Great Sandy Desert
Great Sandy Desert
The Great Sandy Desert is a desert located in the North West of Western Australia straddling the Pilbara and southern Kimberley regions. It is the second largest desert in Australia after the Great Victoria Desert and encompasses an area of...

 from a starting point 45 km south west of the Sandfire Roadhouse on the Great Northern Highway
Great Northern Highway
The Great Northern Highway is a generally north-south Western Australian highway which links the state's capital Perth with its most northern port, Wyndham. It is in length, with being National Highway...

  that continues some 500 kilometres south east to the Kunawaritji
Kunawaritji Community is a location on the Canning Stock Route near Well 33, and also the eastern end of Wapet Road in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.The name has variant spellings - it is also can be found as Kunnawarritji....

 community on the Canning Stock Route
Canning Stock Route
The Canning Stock Route is one of the toughest and most remote tracks in the world. It runs to Halls Creek from Wiluna, both in Western Australia. With a total distance of around it is also the longest historic stock route in the world...


It passes through country known as Western Desert (Australia)
Western Desert cultural bloc
The Western Desert cultural bloc or just Western Desert is a cultural region in Australia covering about 600,000 square kilometres, including the Gibson Desert, the Great Victoria Desert, the Great Sandy and Little Sandy Deserts in the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia...

 and more specifically the Martu Determined Native title Area
Martu (Indigenous Australian)
Mardu are an Australian Aboriginal people of the Western Desert. Their lands include the Percival Lakes and Pilbara regions in Western Australia...


There is a separation of the Kidson Track from the Wapet Road as separate parts of the same track on one source - - however another does not make the distinction
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