Water Resources Development Act of 1999
The Water Resources Development Act of 1999 (WRDA 1999), , was enacted by Congress of the United States on August 17, 1999. Most of the provisions of WRDA 1999 are administered by the United States Army Corps of Engineers
(FCA 1936) to authorize use of funds contributed by States and other political subdivisions for environmental restoration (currently, only flood control) work.
Amends the FCA 1948
to allow the construction of both small structural and nonstructural projects, and to increase from $5 million to $7 million the maximum amount to be expended for any single project
Amends the FCA 1960:
Amends the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1958 (RHA 1958):
Amends the RHA 1968 to authorize additional shore damage mitigation activities for the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.
Amends the WRDA 1976
to reduce from 50 to 35 the percent of total cost to be borne by States for placing dredged sand on State beaches. Directs the Secretary to work with Ohio and other Great Lakes States to fully implement and maximize beneficial reuse of dredged materials along Great Lakes shores. Authorizes the Secretary to design and construct certain shore protection projects, and to stabilize beach erosion, at specified Texas shorelines.
Amends the WRDA 1986
Amends the WRDA 1990
Amends the WRDA 1992
Amends the WRDA 1996
Authorizes projects to reduce flood hazards and restore the natural functions and values of rivers throughout the United States. Requires non-Federal interests to pay 35 percent of the cost of any environmental restoration or nonstructural flood control project carried out. Outlines project selection criteria, policies, and procedures. Requires a report to specified congressional committees. Provides a cost limitation of $30 million on any single project. Authorizes appropriations.
Directs a report to Congress on the state of U.S. shorelines; and establishment of a national coastal databank for data on the geophysical and climatological characteristics of such shorelines.
Authorizes during FY 1999 through 2002 withholding of a specified amount of recreation user fees for repair and maintenance projects, interpretation, signage, habitat or facility enhancement, resource preservation, annual operation and maintenance, and law enforcement related to public use at recreation sites.
Directs inventory and review all Corps activities that are not inherently governmental in nature in accordance with the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998.
Deauthorizes navigation projects in Connecticut, Maine, and Massachusetts.
Modifies specific projects by name in Maine, California, Kentucky, Alabama, Nevada, Louisiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
Directs studies with respect to specified projects in Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois and Wisconsin, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Michigan and Ohio, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, New York and Vermont, North Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, the Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Bay, the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, and the Susquehanna River Basin and the upper Chesapeake Bay.
Amends the Flood Control Act of 1928
to increase the annual salary of members of the Mississippi River Commission.
Amends the WRDA 1992 to authorize appropriations for construction assistance for specified projects in California, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia.
Directs review of sediment dredging technologies and to select the technology that will increase the effectiveness of removing contaminated sediments and significantly reduce contamination of the water column.
Authorizes safety assistance at specified dams in California, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.
Amends the WRDA 1986:
Amends WRDA 1996 to add specified areas in Florida, Louisiana, and Washington under a program for the maintenance of navigation channels.
Amends WRDA 1992 to increase the annual authorization of appropriations for a monitoring program for the Atlantic coast of New York.
Amends WRDA 1996:
Amends the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1976 to extend until January 1, 2003, the authority of the EPA Administrator to designate sites for the dumping of nontoxic or nonhazardous wastes.
Amends the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 1994 to revise conveyance conditions and required compensation with respect to the San Jacinto Disposal Area in Galveston, Texas.
Amends the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Facilities Act to direct the planning, design, and construction of the Phoenix metropolitan water reclamation and reuse project to utilize fully wastewater from the regional wastewater treatment plant for specified uses in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
Authorizes, in evaluating water control management, to consider a regionalized water control management plan, but prohibits the implementation of such plan until a report is submitted to specified congressional committees.
Authorizes specified projects for the beneficial use of dredged material.
Directs a plan for a project to protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat of the Missouri River and middle Mississippi River.
Authorizes technical planning and design assistance to non-Federal interests and conduct other site-specific studies to formulate and evaluate fish screens, fish passage devices, and other measures to decrease the incidence of juvenile and adult fish inadvertently entering irrigation systems.
Directs completion of required reports in connection with projects in Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, and the Upper Mississippi River.
Directs the Army, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies to assist Oregon in developing and implementing a comprehensive basin-wide strategy in the Willamette River basin.
Directs specific actions or studies:
Authorizes the development of a management strategy to address problems associated with toxic microorganisms and the resulting degradation of ecosystems in tidal and nontidal wetlands and waters of the United States.
Authorizes technical, planning, and design assistance to Federal and non-Federal interests for carrying out projects to address water quality problems caused by drainage and related activities from abandoned and inactive noncoal mines
. Authorizes the maintenance of a technology database for the reclamation of abandoned mines.
Directs real estate transactions in Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia. Transfers administrative jurisdiction over the McNary National Wildlife Refuge
from the Army to the Department of the Interior.
Designates politically gratuitous names for specified waterways and facilities in Arkansas and Rhode Island.
Directs removal of the Embry Dam on the Rappahannock River
, Virginia, at full Federal expense.
Directs the environmental restoration and remediation of the Avtex Fibers facility in Front Royal, Virginia, at full Federal expense. Directs the Department of Defense
to make specified funds available for such purpose.
Establishes the South Dakota Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Restoration Trust Fund, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Terrestrial Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund, the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Restoration Trust Fund.
Directs transfer to the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks specified Federal lands for fish and wildlife or public recreation purposes. Directs the Secretary to transfer specified Corps
lands and recreation areas for the use of the Cheyenne River and Lower Brule Sioux Tribes.
Directs the Secretary to arrange for the U.S. Geological Survey to complete by October 31, 1999, a comprehensive study of the potential impacts of the transfer of lands under this title on water flows in the Missouri River. Prohibits such transfers until the Secretary determines that the transfers will not significantly reduce the amount of water flow to the downstream States of the Missouri River
United States Army Corps of Engineers
The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a federal agency and a major Army command made up of some 38,000 civilian and military personnel, making it the world's largest public engineering, design and construction management agency...
Title I: Water Resources Projects
Authorizes projects and studies for small projects for navigation, flood control, environmental restoration, recreation, hurricane and storm damage reduction, bank stabilization, ecosystem restoration, shore protection, aquifer storage and recovery, and navigation mitigation in Alaska, Arizona, California, Delaware, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Guam, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, and Oregon, Virginia, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Washington.Title II: General Provisions
Amends the Flood Control Act of 1936Flood Control Act of 1936
The Flood Control Act of 1936, , was an Act of the United States Congress signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on 22 June 1936. It authorized civil engineering projects such as dams, levees, dikes, and other flood control measures through the United States Army Corps of...
(FCA 1936) to authorize use of funds contributed by States and other political subdivisions for environmental restoration (currently, only flood control) work.
Amends the FCA 1948
Flood Control Act of 1948
The Flood Control Act of 1948 was passed by the United States Congress on June 30, 1948, giving the Chief of Engineers the power to authorize minor flood control projects without having to get Congressional approval...
to allow the construction of both small structural and nonstructural projects, and to increase from $5 million to $7 million the maximum amount to be expended for any single project
Amends the FCA 1960:
- to provide that certain fee collection limitations shall not apply to funds voluntarily contributed by State and local governments and non-Federal public agencies for expanding the scope of services requested by such entities
- to direct the Secretary to coordinate with the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other appropriate agencies to ensure that flood control projects and plans are complementary and integrated
Amends the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1958 (RHA 1958):
- to include any noxious aquatic plant growth within a comprehensive program for the control of aquatic growth
- to increase the annual authorization of appropriations for such program. Encourages the Secretary, under such program, to utilize contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants with colleges and universities and other non-Federal entities.
Amends the RHA 1968 to authorize additional shore damage mitigation activities for the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.
Amends the WRDA 1976
Water Resources Development Act of 1976
Water Resources Development Act of 1976, , is a public law enacted on October 22, 1976 by the Congress of the United States of America concerning various water resources and projects.-Project Design and Study:...
to reduce from 50 to 35 the percent of total cost to be borne by States for placing dredged sand on State beaches. Directs the Secretary to work with Ohio and other Great Lakes States to fully implement and maximize beneficial reuse of dredged materials along Great Lakes shores. Authorizes the Secretary to design and construct certain shore protection projects, and to stabilize beach erosion, at specified Texas shorelines.
Amends the WRDA 1986
Water Resources Development Act of 1986
The Water Resources Development Act of 1986 is part of , a series of acts enacted by Congress of the United States on November 17, 1986....
- to include certain lakes and ponds in California and New Hampshire as authorized projects.
- to limit the non-Federal share of first costs which may be satisfied through in-kind contributions in connection with fish and wildlife mitigation projects.
- to provide the non-Federal share of construction costs for projects for periodic shore nourishment. Amends the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to prohibit a fee charge to a State or local government for the use of Outer Continental Shelf sand, gravel, and shell resources.
Amends the WRDA 1990
Water Resources Development Act of 1990
The Water Resources Development Act of 1990 , , was enacted by Congress of the United States on November 12, 1990. Most of the provisions of WRDA 1990 are administered by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.-Title I: Water Resources Projects:...
- to provide for the calculation of benefits for a proposed project for nonstructural flood damage reduction. Allows current flood control projects to be reevaluated to consider nonstructural alternatives.
- to reduce from 50 to 35 percent of project costs the required non-Federal share for removing contaminated sediments from U.S. navigable waters
- to increase authorization of appropriations for such projects
- to add specified projects in New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Oregon.
Amends the WRDA 1992
Water Resources Development Act of 1992
The Water Resources Development Act of 1992 , , was enacted by Congress of the United States on October 31, 1992. Most of the provisions of WRDA 1992 are administered by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.-Title I: Water Resources Projects:...
- to require that technologies selected for demonstration at a sediments decontamination project in the New York-New Jersey Harbor be intended to result in practical end-use products.
- to allow nonprofit entities to serve as the non-Federal interest for projects for beneficial uses of dredged material.
Amends the WRDA 1996
Water Resources Development Act of 1996
The Water Resources Development Act of 1996 is part of , was enacted by Congress of the United States on October 12, 1996.. Most of the provisions of WRDA 1996 are administered by the United States Army Corps of Engineers....
- to permit studies undertaken by the Secretary concerning the Pacific region to include flood damage reduction and environmental restoration.
- to extend through FY 2003 the Everglades and South Florida Ecosystem Restoration program.
- to allow nonprofit entities to serve as the non-Federal interest for aquatic ecosystem restoration projects and for watershed management, restoration, and development projects
- to include for such watershed projects certain additional areas in California, Illinois, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Florida.
- to extend through December 31, 2003, the authority to sell annual passes for the use of recreation facilities.
- to allow non-Federal interests to carry out construction under flood control projects only if the Secretary approves such construction after reviewing construction studies and design documents.
Authorizes projects to reduce flood hazards and restore the natural functions and values of rivers throughout the United States. Requires non-Federal interests to pay 35 percent of the cost of any environmental restoration or nonstructural flood control project carried out. Outlines project selection criteria, policies, and procedures. Requires a report to specified congressional committees. Provides a cost limitation of $30 million on any single project. Authorizes appropriations.
Directs a report to Congress on the state of U.S. shorelines; and establishment of a national coastal databank for data on the geophysical and climatological characteristics of such shorelines.
Authorizes during FY 1999 through 2002 withholding of a specified amount of recreation user fees for repair and maintenance projects, interpretation, signage, habitat or facility enhancement, resource preservation, annual operation and maintenance, and law enforcement related to public use at recreation sites.
Directs inventory and review all Corps activities that are not inherently governmental in nature in accordance with the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998.
Title III: Project-Related Provisions
Modifies or reauthorizes projects for flood control, navigation, habitat restoration, water supply, shoreline protection, shore protection and harbor mitigation, beach erosion control, storm damage reduction and shoreline erosion protection, recreation, pedestrian access features, hurricane protection, levees, environmental infrastructure, mitigation of fish and wildlife losses, watersheds, canal system restoration, environmental restoration, and rediversion in Alabama and Mississippi, Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas, California, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and West Virginia and Pennsylvania.Deauthorizes navigation projects in Connecticut, Maine, and Massachusetts.
Modifies specific projects by name in Maine, California, Kentucky, Alabama, Nevada, Louisiana, Michigan, Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
Title IV: Studies
Directs study and recommendations to specified congressional committees on non-Federal cost-sharing requirements for the construction, operation, and maintenance of deep draft harbor projects.Directs studies with respect to specified projects in Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois and Wisconsin, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Michigan and Ohio, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, New York and Vermont, North Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, the Great Lakes, the Chesapeake Bay, the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, and the Susquehanna River Basin and the upper Chesapeake Bay.
Title V: Miscellaneous Provisions
Authorizes the Secretary to complete remaining portions of Natural Resources Conservation Service flood control projects at Llagas Creek, California, and Thornton Reservoir, Illinois.Amends the Flood Control Act of 1928
Flood Control Act of 1928
The Flood Control Act of 1928 authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to design and construct projects for the control of floods on the Mississippi River and its tributaries as well as the Sacramento River in California. It was sponsored by Sen. Wesley L. Jones of Washington and Rep. Frank R...
to increase the annual salary of members of the Mississippi River Commission.
Amends the WRDA 1992 to authorize appropriations for construction assistance for specified projects in California, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia.
Directs review of sediment dredging technologies and to select the technology that will increase the effectiveness of removing contaminated sediments and significantly reduce contamination of the water column.
Authorizes safety assistance at specified dams in California, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.
Amends the WRDA 1986:
- to use authority under such Act for the control of sea lampreySea lampreyThe sea lamprey is a parasitic lamprey found on the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America, in the western Mediterranean Sea, and in the Great Lakes. It is brown, gray, or black on its back and white or gray on the underside and can grow up to 90 cm long. Sea lampreys prey on a wide...
at any Great LakesGreat LakesThe Great Lakes are a collection of freshwater lakes located in northeastern North America, on the Canada – United States border. Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, they form the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth by total surface, coming in second by volume...
basin location. - to increase the amount authorized to conduct measurements of Lake Michigan diversions, and to extend such authorization through FY 2003.
- relating to the Upper Mississippi River environmental management program to include an applied research program, require program evaluation every six years, increase and extend through FY 2009 its authorization of appropriations, and require information on habitat needs assessments to be included in required reports.
- to increase the authorization of appropriations for environmental assistance to non-Federal interests in southern and eastern Kentucky and flood control and improvements to rainfall drainage systems in Jefferson, Orleans, and St. Tammany Parishes, Louisiana.
Amends WRDA 1996 to add specified areas in Florida, Louisiana, and Washington under a program for the maintenance of navigation channels.
Amends WRDA 1992 to increase the annual authorization of appropriations for a monitoring program for the Atlantic coast of New York.
Amends WRDA 1996:
- to require a report in connection with recurring flooding and related problems near Pierre and Ft. Pierre, South Dakota.
- to include the Chemung River watershed, New York, under a water resources development program for the Upper Susquehanna River Basin in Pennsylvania and New York.
- relating to a research and development program for Columbia River basin salmon survival
- to increase the amount authorized for a water monitoring station on the Flathead River in Montana
- to direct assistance to the Narragansett Bay Commission for the construction of a combined sewer (currently, river) overflow management facility in Rhode Island, and increase the authorization of appropriations for such purpose.
Amends the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1976 to extend until January 1, 2003, the authority of the EPA Administrator to designate sites for the dumping of nontoxic or nonhazardous wastes.
Amends the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 1994 to revise conveyance conditions and required compensation with respect to the San Jacinto Disposal Area in Galveston, Texas.
Amends the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater Study and Facilities Act to direct the planning, design, and construction of the Phoenix metropolitan water reclamation and reuse project to utilize fully wastewater from the regional wastewater treatment plant for specified uses in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
Authorizes, in evaluating water control management, to consider a regionalized water control management plan, but prohibits the implementation of such plan until a report is submitted to specified congressional committees.
Authorizes specified projects for the beneficial use of dredged material.
Directs a plan for a project to protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat of the Missouri River and middle Mississippi River.
Authorizes technical planning and design assistance to non-Federal interests and conduct other site-specific studies to formulate and evaluate fish screens, fish passage devices, and other measures to decrease the incidence of juvenile and adult fish inadvertently entering irrigation systems.
Directs completion of required reports in connection with projects in Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, and the Upper Mississippi River.
Directs the Army, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created by Presidential Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978 and implemented by two Executive Orders...
(FEMA), Environmental Protection Agency
United States Environmental Protection Agency
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress...
(EPA), and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies to assist Oregon in developing and implementing a comprehensive basin-wide strategy in the Willamette River basin.
Directs specific actions or studies:
- for specific by-name projects of various types in Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia
- involving prominent geographic or manmade feature
- Ambassador BridgeAmbassador BridgeThe Ambassador Bridge is a suspension bridge that connects Detroit, Michigan, in the United States, with Windsor, Ontario, in Canada. It is the busiest international border crossing in North America in terms of trade volume: more than 25 percent of all merchandise trade between the United States...
- Saint Lawrence SeawaySaint Lawrence SeawayThe Saint Lawrence Seaway , , is the common name for a system of locks, canals and channels that permits ocean-going vessels to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the North American Great Lakes, as far as Lake Superior. Legally it extends from Montreal to Lake Erie, including the Welland Canal...
- Onondaga LakeOnondaga LakeOnondaga Lake is a lake in Central New York located northwest of Syracuse, New York. The southeastern end of the lake and the southwestern shore abut industrial areas and expressways; the northeastern shore and northwestern end border a series of parks and museums. Although it is near the Finger...
- Chesapeake and Ohio CanalChesapeake and Ohio CanalThe Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, abbreviated as the C&O Canal, and occasionally referred to as the "Grand Old Ditch," operated from 1831 until 1924 parallel to the Potomac River in Maryland from Cumberland, Maryland to Washington, D.C. The total length of the canal is about . The elevation change of...
- Ambassador Bridge
- military installations
- McClellan Air Force BaseMcClellan Air Force BaseMcClellan Air Force Base is a former United States Air Force base located in the North Highlands area of Sacramento County, northeast of Sacramento, California...
- Mather Air Force BaseMather Air Force BaseMather Air Force Base is a closed United States Air Force Base located east of Sacramento at Rancho Cordova, California on the south side of U.S. Route 50....
- Sacramento Army DepotSacramento Army DepotThe Sacramento Army Depot was a facility located within current city limits, 7 miles southeast of downtown Sacramento, California in Sacramento County. SAAD was activated in 1941. It served as a repair facility for electronic equipment, such as night vision goggles, electronic circuit boards,...
- McClellan Air Force Base
Authorizes the development of a management strategy to address problems associated with toxic microorganisms and the resulting degradation of ecosystems in tidal and nontidal wetlands and waters of the United States.
Authorizes technical, planning, and design assistance to Federal and non-Federal interests for carrying out projects to address water quality problems caused by drainage and related activities from abandoned and inactive noncoal mines
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth, from an ore body, vein or seam. The term also includes the removal of soil. Materials recovered by mining include base metals, precious metals, iron, uranium, coal, diamonds, limestone, oil shale, rock...
. Authorizes the maintenance of a technology database for the reclamation of abandoned mines.
Directs real estate transactions in Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia. Transfers administrative jurisdiction over the McNary National Wildlife Refuge
McNary National Wildlife Refuge
Few areas in North America support waterfowl populations in the extraordinary numbers found within McNary National Wildlife Refuge. Visitors enjoy spectacular concentrations of Canada geese, mallards, and other waterfowl. More than half the mallards in the Pacific Flyway overwinter at some time in...
from the Army to the Department of the Interior.
Designates politically gratuitous names for specified waterways and facilities in Arkansas and Rhode Island.
Directs removal of the Embry Dam on the Rappahannock River
Rappahannock River
The Rappahannock River is a river in eastern Virginia, in the United States, approximately in length. It traverses the entire northern part of the state, from the Blue Ridge Mountains in the west, across the Piedmont, to the Chesapeake Bay, south of the Potomac River.An important river in American...
, Virginia, at full Federal expense.
Directs the environmental restoration and remediation of the Avtex Fibers facility in Front Royal, Virginia, at full Federal expense. Directs the Department of Defense
United States Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense is the U.S...
to make specified funds available for such purpose.
Title VI: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, and State of South Dakota Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Restoration
Directs the State of South Dakota, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, and the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, as a condition for the receipt of Federal funds under this title, to each develop a plan for the restoration of terrestrial wildlife habitat loss that occurred as a result of flooding related to the Big Bend and Oahe projects carried out as part of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Basin program. Requires each such plan to be submitted to the Secretary for review and submission to the appropriate congressional committees. Directs the Secretary to make funds available to carry out such plans. Outlines transitional provisions and authorized fund uses.Establishes the South Dakota Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Restoration Trust Fund, the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Terrestrial Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund, the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Terrestrial Wildlife Habitat Restoration Trust Fund.
Directs transfer to the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks specified Federal lands for fish and wildlife or public recreation purposes. Directs the Secretary to transfer specified Corps
United States Army Corps of Engineers
The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a federal agency and a major Army command made up of some 38,000 civilian and military personnel, making it the world's largest public engineering, design and construction management agency...
lands and recreation areas for the use of the Cheyenne River and Lower Brule Sioux Tribes.
Directs the Secretary to arrange for the U.S. Geological Survey to complete by October 31, 1999, a comprehensive study of the potential impacts of the transfer of lands under this title on water flows in the Missouri River. Prohibits such transfers until the Secretary determines that the transfers will not significantly reduce the amount of water flow to the downstream States of the Missouri River
Missouri River
The Missouri River flows through the central United States, and is a tributary of the Mississippi River. It is the longest river in North America and drains the third largest area, though only the thirteenth largest by discharge. The Missouri's watershed encompasses most of the American Great...