Wehner is a surname that refers to:
  • Herbert Wehner
    Herbert Wehner
    Herbert Richard Wehner was a German politician. A former member of the Communist Party, he joined the Social Democrats after World War II...

     (1906 - 1990), German politician; served in the Bundestag 1949–83
  • John Wehner
    John Wehner
    John Paul Wehner is a former Utility player in Major League Baseball and a current broadcaster for the Pittsburgh Pirates...

     (born 1967), American professional baseball player and sports broadcaster
  • Josef Magnus Wehner
    Josef Magnus Wehner
    Josef Magnus Wehner was a German writer and playwright. Celebrated as a "great German poet" his reputation is tainted by the militarism displayed in his work and his allegiance to the Nazi Party....

     (1891 - 1973), German author and playwright
  • Joseph Frank Wehner
    Joseph Frank Wehner
    Joseph Frank "Fritz" Wehner was an American fighter pilot and wingman to Frank Luke.-Early life:...

    (1895 - 1918), American fighter pilot in World War I
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