Whistles (graphic novel)
Whistles: The Starlight Calliope is the first graphic novel
Graphic novel
A graphic novel is a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to the reader using sequential art in either an experimental design or in a traditional comics format...

 by Andrew Hussie. A black comedy
Black comedy
A black comedy, or dark comedy, is a comic work that employs black humor or gallows humor. The definition of black humor is problematic; it has been argued that it corresponds to the earlier concept of gallows humor; and that, as humor has been defined since Freud as a comedic act that anesthetizes...

 and comedy horror
Comedy horror
Comedy horror, also known as horror comedy, is a literary and film genre, combining elements of comedy and horror fiction. The comedy horror genre almost always inevitably crosses over with the black comedy genre; and in some respects could be considered a subset of it.The short story "The Legend...

, the series tells the story of a naive young clown named Whistles as he navigates and experiences the horrors surrounding his circus, The Starlight Calliope.


The star of The Starlight Calliope as well as this series, Whistles is a naive young clown. He is talented, but when tragedy befalls him, he sets out to explore the world beyond the tents of the circus.


Whistles' replacement as the circus' main attraction, Gumblin is a more worldly and serious clown who harbors great distrust of Master Pendlecoat.


A female clown who grew up in the circus, entertained and motivated by Whistles' great performances and shares Gumblin's distaste for Master Pendlecoat.

External links

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